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Neighbourhood programme

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1 Neighbourhood programme
The Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood programme in a nutshell by Susanne Scherrer BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat

2 Content The programme: facts and figures
2. The projects: activities and results

3 (1) INTERREG III B Neighbourhood programme
Total programme budget about 210 million EUR 129 approved projects more than 3200 project partners!

4 INTERREG III B Neighbourhood programme
Total 210 million EUR from 4 different sources: 129 million EUR European Regional Development Funds 6 million EUR Norway 7.5 million EUR Tacis 67.5 million EUR national/Norwegian co-financing from projects of which for programme management: 14,65 million EUR

5 The programme’s context:
8 EU Member States neighbour countries 100 million inhabitants 11 languages

6 INTERREG III B Neighbourhood
Seeks to combine: 3 historically differently organised economic spaces (former EC, EFTA, COMECON) 3 different administrative traditions: Scandinavian, Eastern European (former Soviet dominated) and Continental European 3 differently organised political systems (Western democracy, presidential democracy, authoritarian regime) 3 different Christian religious cultures

7 Turning Points in programme history: The “ever changing environment” of implementation!
Closure of INTERREG IIC and approval of the IIIB programme (first round was launched in 2001) September 2001 Introduction of Priority 4 (border regions) January 2002 EU enlargement - from PHARE to ERDF May 2004 Introduction of IIIA priorities (cross-border) Transformation to Neighbourhood Programme October 2004 Future challenges Objective 3 – Territorial cooperation programme Introduction of European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) Challenges faced throughout the implementation of the BSR INTERREG programmes Basically two major ones: EU enlargement Introduction of the Neighbourhood Programme P4: + 3 MEUR First call with PL participation: 4th call Febr (upgrading).

8 Baltic Sea region… …..a rich common cultural and natural heritage…..
…but a common identity? Vilnius, Lithuania Wismar, Germany

9 It is not the density, but the intensity that counts!

10 (2) INTERREG III B Neighbourhood projects
SEBTrans-Link STRING Via Baltica Nordica Rural Development Connection … and many other projects!

11 Baltic Sea projects: address challenges and risks
seek to connect regions work on common grounds around our Sea :

12 Challenges and risks promote wind-energy-ideas and improve the investment climate by bringing together politicians, planners, lawyers, researchers and medium size companies to exchange knowledge (Wind Energy) improve direct access to specialised healthcare to prevent migration from rural areas (Baltic eHealth)

13 Connecting regions develop a region which is dynamic, sustainable, innovative and not hampered by borders (Baltic Palette) set up a common strategy for how to improve the transport system in the area (Baltic Gateway) build a tourist route, focussing on brick Gothic heritage (European Route of Brick Gothic)

14 Our Sea change the attitudes and behaviour in order to reduce marine pollution (Baltic SeaBreeze) decrease emissions by ships in Baltic ports (New Hansa)

15 Neighbourhood programme
The Baltic Sea Region INTERREG III B Neighbourhood programme in a nutshell by Susanne Scherrer BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat

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