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Dave Small – Equality & Diversity Manager Soraya Cotwal – Equality & Diversity Officer (Student Experience) Support Staff Conference Parallel Session –

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Presentation on theme: "Dave Small – Equality & Diversity Manager Soraya Cotwal – Equality & Diversity Officer (Student Experience) Support Staff Conference Parallel Session –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dave Small – Equality & Diversity Manager Soraya Cotwal – Equality & Diversity Officer (Student Experience) Support Staff Conference Parallel Session – Celebrating our Diversity An opportunity to explore how we can all play our part in supporting and meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse community of students and staff and help promote an inclusive University

2 -What can we celebrate about our diverse University community? -What more do we still need to do? -How might I play my part? …..willing to share?

3 What is DIVERSITY?


5 Why do we need to concern ourselves about DIVERSITY?

6 University - “The way we work (our values)” Ambitious… “ We inspire and support staff and students to achieve their potential and meet the challenges of society” Responsible… “We respect and celebrate diversity and equal opportunity through an inclusive culture” Open… “We work consultatively and collaboratively to benefit from new perspectives” “We listen and respond to the needs of our students and staff”

7 Equality & Diversity Staff Rights-Feb 2013 You have the right to:  Be treated with dignity & respect  Not to be bullied, harassed or intimidated  Not to be victimised if you complain of discrimination or provide information on discrimination You are expected to:  Treat all members of the University with dignity and respect  Not to bully, harass, abuse or intimidate others  Support measure to advance equality & diversity and eliminate unlawful discrimination

8 33 Student Charter You can expect UoP to:  Promote an inclusive community that supports equality, diversity, ethical and responsible behaviour.  Treat students, staff and visitors with respect and dignity In return you are expected  Act as a members of an inclusive community that supports equality, diversity and ethical and responsible behaviour.  Treat staff, students and visitors with respect and dignity.  Behave as a member of a community…respecting the views of others 33

9 Equality Act 2010 – We need to: –Eliminate unlawful discrimination –Advance equality of opportunity –Foster good relations The University is required to do this but importantly as we all work for the University we are all expected to play our part in delivering this.

10 So what is the DIVERSITY of the Staff?

11 UoP – Staff staff gender balance staff disability balance staff ethnicity balance staff age balance

12 Diversity through Staff Recruitment

13 So what is the DIVERSITY of the Students?

14 UoP – Serving a diverse student population student gender balance student disability balance student ethnicity balance student age balance

15 Home Students BME composition

16 Countries with students studying at Portsmouth in 2014/15

17 What we need to be aware of in this Diverse University Population when interacting with different people? Video

18 Staff networks Opportunity of staff to come together for mutual support, networking and influence University business –LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) –Multicultural –Disabled –Women All accessed via the Equality & Diversity web pages

19 Who we work with.....

20 -What can we celebrate about our diverse University community? -What more do we still need to do? -How might I play my part? …..willing to share?

21 x 5774 x 5779 Equality web pages Equality e-learning packages Equality Objectives Guidance/resource and support

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