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1 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Introduction in Computer Science 2 Administrative Information DEEDS Group.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Introduction in Computer Science 2 Administrative Information DEEDS Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Introduction in Computer Science 2 Administrative Information DEEDS Group - TU Darmstadt Prof. Neeraj Suri Constantin Sarbu Brahim Ayari Dan Dobre Abdelmajid Khelil

2 2 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative English Lectures (ICS2): Prof. Neeraj Suri ‣ ‣ Office Hours: Tuesdays, 14:30 – 15:30 German Lectures (GdI2): Prof. Johannes Buchmann ‣ ‣ Office Hours: Wednesdays 13.00-14.00 in S2/02-B202 Exercises: Erik Dahmen, Richard Lindner ‣ {dahmen, rlindner} ‣ Office Hours: Wednesdays 13.30-14.30 in S2/02-B216 Labs: Constantin Sarbu, Brahim Ayari ‣ or ‣ Office Hours: Wednesdays, 14:30 – 15:30 Contact Info

3 3 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Course runs parallel to the German version “Grundlagen der Informatik 2”, Prof. Johannes Buchmann All announcements, dates and important documents: ‣ ICS2: ‣ GdI2: No mailing lists Forum: Both courses are synchronized for: ‣ Labs ‣ Exercises Information Channels

4 4 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative ICS2 Lectures: ‣ Mondays 9.50-11.30S1 03 | 23 ‣ Tuesdays11:40-13:20S3 11 | 006 Please be on time! Exams are from the foils AND material covered in the class!!! Lectures

5 5 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Reference Material Intro. to Algorithms, by Thomas Cormen et al., 2 nd Edition, MIT Press, 2001 ‣ Complexity, Sorting, Data Structures (trees, hash tables), Dynamic programming, Graph algorithms (shortest-paths, flows) ‣ Covers more things beyond the course + ~60 EUR, but our library has some copies (S2|02 A020): Additional Material in German (“Scripts”): ‣ Prof. Dr. T. Härder (Uni Kaiserslauten) Komplexität, Sortieren, Kodierung, Suchen, allg. Speicherstrukturen (auf der Webseite) ‣ Prof. Dr. H. Waldschmidt (TUD) Graphen (erhältlich bei Copies etc., Holzstr. € 5,40)

6 6 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Total of 200 points to be earned during the semester: ‣ 10 exercise assignments, 8 points each,80 points ‣ 5 lab assignments,16 points each,80 points ‣ 1 test exam, 30 points ‣ 1 programming mini-course,10 points To enroll for the exam you need at least: ‣ 8 exercises out of 10 with a score of at least 2 points each ‣ 50 points out of 80 for the lab assignments ‣ a total score of 100 out of 200 possible points Scores & Evaluation

7 7 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative The accumulated points can be transformed into bonus points only if the exam is passed (i.e., you scored > 50% in the exam) The bonus points are only valid for the exam held in Autumn 2008, not for subsequent ones! Transformation: ‣ For a bonus points amount of : you will get a grade benefit of: 120-149 points 0.3 grade points 150-179 points 0.7 grade points from 180 points 1.0 grade points Marks

8 8 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative 10 exercise sheets, with homework assignments (one per week) 8 exercise assignments must be handed in at exercises to pass for the exam, you need at least 2 point for each. These will be corrected by the tutors. Per home assignment: max. 8 points (so 80 points in total) Exercises start from third week: you will have to download the exercise sheets from the lecture’s webpage and print them English speaking tutors: ‣ David Becker: Mondays, 16:15 – 17:55 ‣ Martin Tjokrodiredjo: Tuesdays, 15:20 – 17:00 Exercises

9 9 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Programming mini-course In the past, many GdI2/ICS2 students complained that the programming tasks pose difficulties, language-wise Especially, MCS students claimed that they have too little programming experience This time we offer a programming mini-course in the first three lecture weeks. You have to solve 3 very small programming tasks, assisted by tutors The programming mini-course will familiarize you with: ‣ The pool room (C005) and computer environment used there ‣ Java 1.5 basic language syntax and constructs and a Java IDE ‣ Our tutors ;) Beside these benefits, attending and solving the tasks brings 10 bonus points!!!

10 10 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Programming Language: Java Assisted by tutors in RBG-Pool room (S2|02 C005) Mo-Fr: 08:00-18:45 (Fr: 08:00-18:00) Each student must register (see slide 13 for reg. deadlines) for the lab (WebReg), and will be assigned to a slot in the testing weeks 5 programming tasks ‣ 16 points for each one, so maximum 80 points ‣ A tutor will assess each student, and give points whether: Does the solution work? (e.g. 7p) Is the student able to show how the algorithm works (on paper)? (e.g. 3p) Is the student able to explain the code? (e.g. 3p) Do the additional test-cases work? (e.g. 3p) Teams of max 3 students Each student is tested individually on clearly stated deadlines (date & time); no delayed solution submission is allowed Labs

11 11 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Labs Schedule (tentative) * May 1 st – free -> test on May 8 th ; ** May 12 th – free -> test on May 19 th Time to solve each lab assignment: 3 weeks There are overlaps (with the programming course or other lab)! ‣ start working as soon as possible, get the work done on the early side ‣ next lab assignment is available in the testing week for the current assignment Get the points sooner! The labs 4 and 5 bear the most overlap, so don’t depend on the last lab to accumulate the bonus points. English-speaking Tutors: ‣ David Becker:Mondays, 11:40 – 13:20 and 14:25 - 16:05 ‣ Martin Tjokrodiredjo:Wednesdays, 14:25 – 16:05 and 16:15 - 17:55 LabHanded outDeadlineTesting week 107.04.200827.04.2008 23:5928.04 - 02.05.2008* 221.04.200811.05.2008 23:5912.05 - 16.05.2008** 312.05.200801.06.2008 23:5902.06 - 06.06.2008 402.06.200822.06.2008 23:5923.06 - 27.06.2008 509.06.200829.06.2008 23:5930.06 - 04.07.2008

12 12 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative 1 Test exam ‣ May 19 th (tentative!) ‣ Will be corrected and evaluated in the lecture theatre, and discussed in the next exercise ‣ 30 points Final exam ‣ 25. September, 9-11, location to be announced well in advance ‣ The same content as GdI2 exam (the 2 exams will take place simultaneously) ‣ Only 1x A4 sheet with hand-written notes is allowed ‣ One can only attend iff at least 100 points and 8/10 exercises were accumulated (depending on DPO) ‣ The points are transformed to bonus iff the exam is passed (50%) Exams

13 13 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Separate exercise and lab registration only possible via Internet: ‣ For exercises: Grundlagen der Informatik II - Übung (LV-Nr. 20.0005.2) ‣ For labs: GdI II / ICS 2 – Praktika (LV-Nr. 20.0005.1) WebReg System ‣ You’ll need an RBG Account (card?) ‣ preferences and exclusion times Assignment based on exclusion times will be avoided Preferences will be considered, when possible No late registration/changes ‣ workgroups of up to 3 people are possible You can register from: from: Wednesday, 2st of April, 10:00 till: Thursday, 7th of April, 20:00 Assignments are announced on: soon after Registration

14 14 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Make your own assignments, don’t “borrow” from colleagues, Internet etc. Copy-pasting of code will be noticed and punished: JPlag ( Changing variable/method/class names doesn’t help; JPlag detects these; the program structure is weighted more when simmilarity score is computed Only students belonging to the same team are allowed to present the same code, inter-team work is not allowed and the team that copied the solution will get no points for the respective lab assignment We heard before: “I actually worked with a student from another team for this lab”  tell us if you want to change team BEFORE submitting! Plagiarism

15 15 ©2008 DEEDS Group Introduction to Computer Science 2 - SS 08 Administrative Bad news: ‣ ICS2 has been responsible for many drop-outs and failed exams ‣ ICS2 contains a lot of material ‣ ICS2 seems easy at first sight, but it is not trivial Good news: ‣ ICS2 contains extremely basic and useful principles of computer science ‣ ICS2 is not so difficult ‣ You can take an A4 “help-sheet” to the exam ICS2 Reputation…

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