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A: Where is she from ? B: She’s from Japan. A: --- B: ---

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8 A: Where is she from ? B: She’s from Japan. A: --- B: ---

9 Her name is. She is from. She speaks. She likes ---. Clare France French France is where Clare is from.


11 英格兰


13 Come here and meet us, please. Li Fangjing is Chinese. Yumi is Japanese. John is American. Ken is Australian. France is where Clare is from. England is the home of Tom.


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20 1. Where is he from? 2. Does he like Chinese? He’s from England. Yes, he does. He likes Chinese very much. He learns Chinese from me.

21 Job Nationality 国籍 Hobby Language 语言 Reading Tip 1 自由大声朗读短文,找出关于 Jim 妈妈 的信息,然后回答问题。

22 Jim is my classmate. He lives in China, but he is from England. His father is from England and his mother is from Japan. They speak English and Japanese. Jim’s father teaches English in a primary school. He likes teaching. Jim’s mother does not work. She is a housewife. She does all the cooking and cleaning. She likes writing stories. She often talks to her Chinese friends and writes stories about them. Jim likes Chinese very much. He learns Chinese from me and I learn English from him. We go to school and go home together. We are good friends. 家庭主妇 1 、 a married woman 已婚妇女 2 、 does not work 3 、 does all the housework Jim is my classmate. He lives in China, but he is from England. His father is from England and his mother is from Japan. They speak English and Japanese. Jim’s father teaches English in a primary school. He likes teaching. Jim’s mother does not work. She is a housewife. She does all the cooking and cleaning. She likes writing stories. She often talks to her Chinese friends and writes stories about them. Jim likes Chinese very much. He learns Chinese from me and I learn English from him. We go to school and go home together. We are good friends. Reading Tip 2 再读短文,找出关于 Jim 爸爸 的信息,并与其他同学交流信息。

23 Job Nationality 国籍 Hobby Language 语言 Reading Tip 3 齐读短文,然后选择不同的 人物,交流人物信息。

24 Jim is my classmate. He lives in China, but he is from England. His father is from England and his mother is from Japan. They speak English and Japanese. Jim’s father teaches English in a primary school. He likes teaching. Jim’s mother does not work. She is a housewife. She does all the cooking and cleaning. She likes writing stories. She often talks to her Chinese friends and writes stories about them. Jim likes Chinese very much. He learns Chinese from me and I learn English from him. We go to school and go home together. We are good friends. Jim is my classmate. He lives in China, but he is from England. His father is from England and his mother is from Japan. They speak English and Japanese. Jim’s father teaches English in a primary school. He likes teaching. Jim’s mother does not work. She is a housewife. She does all the cooking and cleaning. She likes writing stories. She often talks to her Chinese friends and writes stories about them. Jim likes Chinese very much. He learns Chinese from me and I learn English from him. We go to school and go home together. We are good friends.

25 He is reading a book and eating an ice cream in the sea.

26 eat ice cream read sea each peach please speak ea /i:/

27 pea beat meat lead leave cheat 肉 欺骗 豌豆 打 带领离开


29 Jim is my good friend. He’s 12. He’s from England. He lives in China with his parents. He speaks English. He can speak Chinese. He likes reading and making model ships. Would you like to make friends with him? ( 你愿意跟他交朋友吗? ) Name Age ( 年龄 ) Nationality ( 国籍 ) Language Hobbies

30 每个信封里装有你新朋友的个人信息, 每组选择一个信封。 1、小组交流朋友信息,并写一写。 2、向全班介绍你的新朋友。

31 每个信封里装有你新朋友的个人信息, 每组选择一个信封。 1、小组交流朋友信息,并写一写。 2、向全班介绍你的新朋友。

32 England 12 English Dad, Mum sister, brother football, storybooks Tom

33 the USA 13 English Dad, Mum brother basketball, running John

34 China 13 English Chinese Dad Mum violin, writing stories Li Fangjing

35 Japan 13 Japeanese Chinese Dad, Mum brother piano, dancing Yumi

36 Australia 12 English Chinese Dad Mum sister chess, Internet Ken

37 12 French English Dad Mum sister drawing, singing Clare France

38 Learn from each other ! 互 相学习! Help each other ! 互相帮助! Share with each other ! 互 相分享! Love each other ! 关 爱彼此!

39 Let’s hand in hand, make more friends! A good friend is a good book!

40 1. Read the passage on Page 73 fluently. 2. Make friends on the Internet. Here’s a website for you.

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