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WOMEN’s EMPOWERMENT FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY By: Mohamed Ali Abukar, PhD *All Pictures in this Presentation are used only for Educational Purposes.

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Presentation on theme: "WOMEN’s EMPOWERMENT FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY By: Mohamed Ali Abukar, PhD *All Pictures in this Presentation are used only for Educational Purposes."— Presentation transcript:

1 WOMEN’s EMPOWERMENT FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY By: Mohamed Ali Abukar, PhD *All Pictures in this Presentation are used only for Educational Purposes

2 ROOTS CAUSES OF AFRICAN CONFLICTS After obtaining independence, most African countries were Democracy deficient.After obtaining independence, most African countries were Democracy deficient. While the move of independence status was a welcome change, the transition to democracy has not always been smooth.While the move of independence status was a welcome change, the transition to democracy has not always been smooth. The dictatorial model of governing has persisted with a general lack of political maturity.The dictatorial model of governing has persisted with a general lack of political maturity. The modernization process was not properly advanced to provide conditions for complete democracy and freedom.The modernization process was not properly advanced to provide conditions for complete democracy and freedom. Tribalism has fueled inter-conflicts and struggle for internal power in several African countries.Tribalism has fueled inter-conflicts and struggle for internal power in several African countries.


4 SOMALIA AND THE POWER STRUGGLE’S CONFLICT Clan rivalry is the driving force behind Somalia’s now 21 year old civil war, which has caused death, misery, massacre, mass graves and dispersion of more than one million Somalis. It may be difficult to even imagine, but when that happens, there are atrocities, especially upon the female population and the minorities, which includes assaults of all kinds, tortures, rape and witnessing the murder of a very close family members. Arising out of this devastating situation rose AMERICA, the country whose promise has always been, and continues to be, to take in those in an oppressive situation and provide them with FREEDOM and OPPORTUNITY. Somalia is currently going through the worst drought in over sixty years!

5 *Clan militia who are the root cause of the civil war.

6 *Civil war and power struggle based on tribalism has caused these people to leave their home and seek refuge in neighboring countries.

7 THE SOMALI REFUGEE COMMUNITY IN ARIZONA Currently, there are about 11,000 Somali residing in Arizona, of which (70%) are female and live in Maricopa County, particularly in the Greater Phoenix area.Currently, there are about 11,000 Somali residing in Arizona, of which (70%) are female and live in Maricopa County, particularly in the Greater Phoenix area. A recent survey of health providers in Maricopa County, reported in the Arizona Republic, revealed that Somali placed second to Spanish as the most requested language for health interpreters.A recent survey of health providers in Maricopa County, reported in the Arizona Republic, revealed that Somali placed second to Spanish as the most requested language for health interpreters. Very basic cultural barriers begin with an unfamiliarity of how medical providers function in American society.Very basic cultural barriers begin with an unfamiliarity of how medical providers function in American society. Refugees must overcome all barriers, which is a significant challenge, and yet, a huge opportunity for change.Refugees must overcome all barriers, which is a significant challenge, and yet, a huge opportunity for change.

8 *Somali refugee gathering for socialization program.

9 SOMALI REFUGEE WOMEN  Traditionally, Somali women have been raised in an extremely male-dominated society and encouraged to play a passive role in the public and private spheres.  Now, suddenly, they find themselves in forefront, left with the difficult tasks to understand and receive access to appropriate healthcare, take on a more active role and empowerment, become self-sufficient and integrate properly.  They must navigate in a new cultural system, which will result in feelings of disconnection.  These women must overcome cultural and language barriers, must seek employment and medical attention, while making other decisions regarding their lives and families.

10 SOMALI REFUGEES AND PTSD  As consequence of the civil war, the Somali refugees respond to PTSD with a variety of symptoms, such as depression, flashbacks, misplaced anger and feeling of disconnection.  People feel very passive and “shut down” overly aggressive, or unable to concentrate.  Treatment with Western medicine is a method with which the Somali refugee has no experience  SAUC is committed to provide a system and make sure that the refugee receives access to appropriate healthcare before it’s too late, which will result in an increase to the positive social change, emotional support and successful integration process.

11 SOMALI AMERICAN UNITED COUNCIL OF ARIZONA  SAUC, a non-profit organization, was formed in July 2006 in response to the growing need to connect Somali community in Arizona with each other and the rest of the American society.  SAUC fills a critical need by helping newly arrived families adjust to their lives, location, language and culture.  The mission is to promote a better understanding between the Somali refugee community and other American communities, and help members of the Somali community properly integrate into the mainstream American society while preserving their own culture.

12 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS  The mission of the SAUC is carried out through community development programs, which are organized according to the needs of the community.  Our activities includes: Mentorship, case management, translations, referrals, job replacement, community outreach, community empowerment, family crises prevention, breast cancer education and outreach session, ESL & Citizenship classes, basic sewing classes, child care professional training, parenting education and others.  The council also provides help managing community issues such as health concerns and crucial cultural services.

13 *Women Empowerment group in socialization session and building special Relationships.

14 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES FOR WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT  The council provides a support system that will enable the Somali refugee women to complete an empowerment program, and includes:  Mentorship/case management and clients’ interaction on sensitive issues  Support group, group training and tutoring  Translation and transportation services  Promotion of receptivity to new ideas and acceptance to change.  Socialization through cultural gatherings and “sister support group”, and parenting education sessions  Promoting debates and group discussions on sensitive issues.  Promoting understanding on the proper way of benefitting from their healthcare providers, providing translations, advocacy and emotional support

15 VOLUNTEER MENTORS  The structure of the organization’s program to overcome barriers is recruiting and utilizing mentor/ case management volunteers that advocate by providing emotional support and serving as a cultural intermediary as well as a role model, who has achieved success at cultural integration.  These volunteers are given continuous and good advice to overcome all obstacles.  These mentors have received specific training to act as advocates and help translating diagnosis and treatment into a culturally relevant context.

16 *S.A.U.C volunteer team in action to provide a support system for empowerment.

17 USED METHODOLOGY  The used methodology is based on outreach, lectures and educational videos containing all possible information relevant to the program’s topics.  Visual aids and other educational materials are also used to show additional information.  Face to face, group discussions and open debate is always facilitated, and all questions are entertained, discussed and properly answered.  The council is committed to gathering evidence to show that the used method effectively achieves the goals and creates effective and meaningful empowerment process for self- sufficiency.

18 *Group Support & Women Empowerment Session.

19 OUTCOMES AND FOLLOW-UP  The outcomes are intended to ensure a positive effect on the improvement of the human condition of a socially committed people who are able to work successfully, achieve self-sufficiency by properly integrating into the mainstream American society, and have the wisdom and skills to work toward ignorance eradication.  The approach will help the Somali refugee women to become immensely powerful in a positive way and enhance their acceptance and receptivity to their new society and the new social change.  The SAUC will share the results and information with other nonprofit organization working with refugees, and will follow-up with the beneficiary or clients after completion of the program to demonstrate the level of progress and achievement.

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