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Targeted Accelerated Growth at Nerge School TAG Amie Edmunds Liz Maltz Chris Martelli.

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1 Targeted Accelerated Growth at Nerge School TAG Amie Edmunds Liz Maltz Chris Martelli

2 Getting to know Nerge… Student population –70% White –20% Asian –5% Hispanic –3% Multiracial –2% Black 3% Low Income Very little mobility Five consecutive years of declining ISAT scores in the area of Reading (00/01-04/05) – reaching a low of 68.8% meet/exceed

3 Nerge ISAT Reading Over Time

4 Nerge MAP Data 2009-2010 Students below 40%

5 Providing extra TIME & SUPPORT Built into the structure of the school Systematic in identifying students by name and need. Guaranteed to all students demonstrating difficulty mastering grade level appropriate skills and concepts. Delivered as an “extra dose” on top of initial instruction – not as a replacement for initial instruction.

6 Logistics of TAG Schedule –Primary TAG: 11:15-11:45 daily –Intermediate TAG: 12:30-1:00 daily Personnel –Each grade level uses their classroom teachers, 3 or 4 depending on the grade level –Each grade level has one SST –Some grade levels have additional support from SLP, Reading Teachers, administration, etc., depending on the number of students that are identified for TAG

7 Logistics of TAG (cont.) Groups should be a small as possible – around 4 students per teacher Most certified staff should be working with our neediest students Teamwork is essential for the success of TAG!

8 The Details of Intervention 1. How do we identify students? –We use MAP as an initial screening tool –We utilize other assessment materials (ISEL, common assessments, fluency, etc.) –As a team we complete the TAG planning sheetTAG planning sheet 2. What materials do we use? –Research based materials (LLI, Rewards, SOAR, etc.) –A foundation in guided reading strategies – additional opportunities to expose and engage students in text

9 The Details of Intervention (cont.) 3.How do we monitor student progress? –As a team each grade level develops ways to monitor progress based on the needs of the student groups they are working with 4.What happens when intervention does not work? –Review TAG planning sheet monthly –Discuss our results and as a team develop other options for interventions

10 What’s happening during TAG Additional dose of Balanced Literacy: Guided, Shared and Independent Reading and Writing and vocabulary/word study activities Research-based programs are utilized as a resource across grade levels Research-based practices are used to address phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension Lessons PARALLEL initial Tier I literacy instruction Students that are meeting grade level expectations are doing purposeful work, independent of the teacher

11 Summary of Data Over the past five years we have seen a gradual increase in student achievement on ISAT – 2010 being our highest scores (93.1% meet/exceed) Over the past four years (since implementing TAG), we have seen a gradual decrease in the number of students below the 40% on spring MAP testing We have decreased the number of students being identified with an IEP each year This does not happen over night – it’s always a work in progress!



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