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2223-1 In the early 1990s racially mixed marriages were still very, very, rare in the USA...... but this could easily be obscured graphically Uncharted,

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Presentation on theme: "2223-1 In the early 1990s racially mixed marriages were still very, very, rare in the USA...... but this could easily be obscured graphically Uncharted,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2223-1 In the early 1990s racially mixed marriages were still very, very, rare in the USA...... but this could easily be obscured graphically Uncharted, based on US Bureau of the Census 2001 Same race couples Distorted time or category display Misleading scaling of category axis

2 2223-1 Goal: Disguise racial elements in most Americans‘ choice of spouse Technique in two steps: Evenly space unequally large categories and confuse with legends and colours Uncharted, based on US Bureau of the Census 2001 Same race couples Distorted time or category display Misleading scaling of category axis

3 2223-1 Goal: Disguise racial elements in most Americans‘ choice of spouse Step 1: Evenly space unequally large or important categories Uncharted, based on US Bureau of the Census 2001 Same race couples Step 2: Distract attention with a legend and counter-intuitive colours Distorted time or category display Misleading scaling of category axis

4 US Bureau of the Census Technical Working Paper No. 14, 2001 Techniques: Evenly space unequally large or important categories and distract with a legend and counter- intuitive colours Goal: Completely disguise racial elements in most Americans‘ choice of spouse Distorted time or category display Misleading scaling of category axis

5 From the facts...... to their traditionally unsatisfactory presentation...... to colourful nonsense... Scale numerical x-axis to match category values and/or importance and use colours to inform not obscure

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