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Ageism: Who is it Hurting?

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1 Ageism: Who is it Hurting?
By Candace Reim, Anthony Goldman, and Tara Hannaford

2 9 Signs You’re Being Discriminated Against
Biased Comments Comparisons Disparate Discipline Promotions Favoritism Hiring Younger Employees Suddenly Stupid Harassment But the Boss is Older

3 Society tends to believe that all old people are alike
Society tends to believe that all old people are alike. They seem to think everyone ages at the same pace, but we all know people that are old at 55 while others are still spunky and spry at 85. Every person has a story. Everyone has made life choices that define who they are and how they live. As people venture through life they all learn different things and life lessons. The older we get the more things we have dealt with so it is safe to say we are actually probably more different at 65 than 25 due to our life experience. We are all different so we need to emphasize that we all age different.

4 Some people assume that all elderly people are retired, rich, and happy.
We have all heard the term “The Golden Years”. It seems for a large majority they are not so golden. “Nearly one in five married retirees and one in two unmarried retirees say they rely on Social Security for the bulk of their income.” (Yahoo Finance) One elderly male, John Enguarda, told Yahoo Finance that, “Social Security pays my rent and then I have a few hundred dollars left for the rest of the month. All of my friends that are retired live on Social Security.” The Social Security Administration stated that the average monthly benefit for someone who starts taking Social Security at age 62 in 2014 is $1,992.

5 Elderly citizens are sometime stereotyped as being uncreative or unproductive. Just because they are not being creative in the work place, due to retirement, does not mean they don’t contribute to the creativity in our society. For a lot of senior citizens, retirement might be the first time that they have had an opportunity to explore their creative side. Senior citizens also to tend to be very volunteer oriented. They have more time to help others once they retire. This volunteering allows them to help spark the creativity of others as times.

6 Ageism does not only occur between Senior Citizens and society.
There are several times in your life that age could play against you: *A young married couple buying their first house. *A young person taking on a management position over people that are older than them. *A prodigy attempting to attend college at a young age.

7 Some laws make no sense. For instance, 20 states ban driving while cell-phoning, but only for those under 18. Not only is this activity dangerous for all drivers, teen brains are actually better wired for multitasking than those of 60-year-olds. The drinking age has long been a tug-of-war. Is an 18-year-old mature enough to fight in Afghanistan but not to order beer in a bar? Almost every other country sets the drinking age at 18.

8 This is a brilliant example of age discrimination
This is a brilliant example of age discrimination. It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of how old they are. This poster manages to discriminate in such a vague way it is not even clear who “young people” are. The stereotype of teenagers, as written about brilliantly by Professor Philip Graham in The End of Adolescence, sees them all as sex-mad, drug-taking, irrational, risky, bad, hoody-wearing hooligans who can’t control their darkest desires. - Psychology Magpie

9 Jeremy Pepper, 31, believes companies won't hire him because he's too young.
The unemployment rate for workers ages 25 to 34 was 6.3% in September, eclipsing the 3.9% rate for employees 55 and older, according to the Department of Labor. Just 44% of employees ages 18 to 24 believe they are treated fairly on the job, according to a 2002 survey by Mercer Human Resource Consulting of 2,600 workers. That compares with 64% of employees ages 45 to 55. -USA TODAY

10 Action Research Project
For our project we would select 3 different restaurants in different demographical areas. One in Alva, one in Enid, and one in Oklahoma City. We would present servers with a questionnaire that would allow us to see what assumptions they make about customers based on age. The age groups we have divided possible answers into are: , 31-45, 46-65, 66 and over. We ask questions that gives us ideas on different groups: Who is thought to tip best? Who is great for networking? Who is most likely to complain?

11 Current Research Maybe employers are actually preparing to keep their workers around until an older age rather than discriminating against them. The International Council on Active Aging shows that the active-aging industry is in a good position to offer wellness options to older adults. About 90% of the 170 executives surveyed believe that focusing on lifestyle and wellness plays an extremely important role in growing their business. 88% stated that they plan to increase their investment into wellness over the next two years The ICAA received feedback from over 700 respondents. They were not limited to executives. 61% described their organizations as “very” or “completely” prepared to offer ongoing, robust lifestyle and wellness programs. (

US Equal Employment Commission US Department of Labor AARP General Age Discrimination Information

13 What do I do if I’m being Discriminated Against for my Age?
File a “Charge of Discrimination” with the EEOC or your State/County/City Agency In most states, you have 180 days for file a claim from the date of the incident. Federal Employees have 45 days to see the EEOC Counselor they are assigned to.

14 Bibliography Page Armour, Stephanie (2003). “Young workers say their age holds them back”. Ballman, Donna (2011), Contributor. “Nine signs of age discrimination”. Cernak, Stella, eHow Contributor. “How to report age discrimination”. Graham, Philip (2004). The End of Adolescence: Exposing the Myths About the Teenage Years. Oxford University Press. Milner, Colin (2014) CEO International Council on Active Aging (ICAA). [Case Study]. “Top Line Readiness Survey”. Vancouver, BC. Peppard, Nancy R. Ph.D. (2013) “An Essay on myths and stereotypes”. Woodruff, Mandi (2014) Contributor. “Retired and broke: Social Security and the struggle to make it last”.

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