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GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Hazards in the office may not be as obvious as those on the plant floor. Review office safety procedures annually General Office.

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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Hazards in the office may not be as obvious as those on the plant floor. Review office safety procedures annually General Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Hazards in the office may not be as obvious as those on the plant floor. Review office safety procedures annually General Office safety is the responsibility of all employees, not just office employees.

2 GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Sick Building Syndrome –Fungal build-up in the ventilation system can cause cold or flu-like symptoms –Dust or chemicals in the air can cause allergic or asthmatic reactions – Keep temperature at comfortable health levels Lighting –85% of workers suffer from eyestrain –Insufficient or improperly set up lighting causes a persistent glare Ergonomics – Neck and shoulder pain caused from non-adjustable chairs –Back pain is caused from improper lifting –Use a ladder – not a chair! –Proper furniture should be provided

3 GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Office Traffic –Keep passageways clear (for yourself and visitors!) –Report potential hazards immediately Equipment Safety –Be fully trained before you operate or trouble-shoot any equipment Chemical Safety –DO NOT dispose of chemical waste in the general trash –Use protective equipment when applicable

4 GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY Use Common Sense in the Office! –Keep desk and file drawers closed! –Sit properly in your chair! –Watch where you walk! –Do not smoke in the office! –Know the location of exits –Avoid practical jokes! –Avoid cuts and pinches! Sweep up broken glass immediately Store sharp items separately –Look for torn carpet and report it! –Never lay an extension cord across an aisle. –Never leave anything stored in an aisle!

5 GENERAL OFFICE SAFETY The company is dedicated to the goal of providing a safe work place for ALL employees. With the help of each individual employee, in keeping their area safe and reporting any unsafe conditions to the appropriate supervisor, this goal can be achieved.

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