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Ch. 5: Leadership Mind and Heart For: Dr. Landrum By: James Esch October 26, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 5: Leadership Mind and Heart For: Dr. Landrum By: James Esch October 26, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 5: Leadership Mind and Heart For: Dr. Landrum By: James Esch October 26, 2002

2 Leadership Mind and Heart Test: Mythical hero mentors often are key to great achievement ex: Oprah, Shaq, Alexander the Great Test: Is IQ alone important? No! But it helps, and god forbid you don’t have any other keys Test: Change == Relationships. Who builds relationships best? Females In a time of rapid change, leaders focus on personal relationships as a way to bind people together.

3 Leader Capacity Versus Competence Capacity is the potential each of us has to do more and be more than we are now Working effectively with other people requires much more than practicing specific, rational skills; it often means drawing on subtle aspects of ourselves, such as our thoughts, our beliefs, or our feelings, and appealing to those aspects in others. It has been stated that being a “whole” person means operating from mind, heart, spirit, and body

4 Mental Models Test: Mental model multiple intelligence (Howard Gardner, Michael Jackson, and Michael Jordan are what? Kinesthetic Test: Jeff Bezos’ and Bill Gates’ SAT scores are logical/mathematical (Cognitive) Mental models are deep-seated assumptions, values, attitudes, beliefs, biases, and prejudices that determine how leaders make sense of the world Test: What are males wired for? Specifity for females? Generalities Test: Which group is best at verbalizing? Females

5 Mental Models Perception is the process people use to make sense out of the environment by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from the environment Stereotyping can be detrimental to the leadership process Stereotyping is the tendency to assign a person to a group or broad category and then attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual Leaders have the ability to break free from outdated mental models. This is crucial since what worked yesterday may not work today

6 Developing A Leader’s Mind Test: Abnormal success comes from abnormal leaders who are independent! Independent thinking consists of questioning assumptions and interpreting data and events according to one’s own beliefs, ideas, and thinking, not according to pre-established rules, routines, or categories defined by others. People who think independently are willing to stand apart, to have opinions, to say what they think, and to determine a course of action based on what they personally believe rather than on the thoughts of others

7 Developing A Leader’s Mind Test: What is Pike Syndrome? What was true isn’t necessarily still true! Pike syndrome was brought about by an experiment in which a northern pike was placed in a large aquarium with a group of minnows, but separated with a single piece of glass. The pike attempted many times to catch the minnows, but ran into the glass. Eventually, the glass was removed, however, the pike retained the thought that the glass was there, and did not make an attempt to catch the minnows The power of the beginner’s mind is rather mighty. Nobel price-winning physicist Richard Feynman had an IQ of 125, which is definitely not considered genius. However, he was always questioning, always uncertain, always starting over, always resisting any authority that prevented him from thinking for himself. It was this curiosity that made him great

8 Developing A Leader’s Mind Rajat Gupta, worldwide managing director at McKinsey & Co. states that poetry and literature “[helps] us think in more well-rounded ways.” Systems thinking involves seeing patterns in the organizational whole instead of just the parts, and learning to reinforce or change system patterns Complexity can overwhelm leaders, thereby undermining confidence Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, argues that reality is made up of circles rather than strait lines Test: (5 th Discipline) New products mean new money… New people mean slower development, therefore counter to successful operations in a dynamic world

9 Developing A Leader’s Mind Personal mastery covers three qualities: personal vision, facing reality, and holding creative tension Personal vision: focus on the end result, the vision or dream that motivates them and their organization Facing reality: commitment to the truth Holding creative tension: There is a large gap between one’s vision and the current situation. The gap is between one’s desired future and today’s reality. This can be a source of creative energy to accomplish goals.

10 Emotional Intelligence – Leading With Heart and Mind Emotional intelligence is the ability to connect effectively with people. It has been suggested by some that emotion, more than intellectual ability, drives our thinking and decision making, as well as our interpersonal relationships Primary emotions: Anger – fury, outrage, resentment, hostility, violence Sadness – grief, sorrow, gloom, despair, depression Fear – anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, terror, panic Enjoyment – happiness, joy, relief, contentment, delight Love – acceptance, respect, friendliness, trust, kindness Surprise – shock, astonishment, amazement, wonder Disgust – contempt, disdain, scorn, abhorrence, distaste Shame – guilt, embarrassment, remorse, humiliation, regret

11 Emotional Intelligence – Leading With Heart and Mind Test: look within objectively and see yourself as others see you! Pessimists don’t see themselves as negative and contra to success Test: The Components of Emotional Intelligence: Self-awareness – being aware of what you are feeling Managing emotions – ability to balance one’s moods so they do not get in the way of what needs to be done Motivating oneself – ability to be hopeful and optimistic despite obstacles, setbacks, or even outright failure Empathy – ability to put oneself in someone else’s shoes, to recognize what others are feeling without them needing to tell you Social skill – ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others, is the final component of emotional intelligence

12 Emotional Intelligence – Leading With Heart and Mind Test: A high level of self-awareness, combined with the ability to manage one’s own emotions, enables a leader to display self-confidence and earn the respect and trust of followers Emotionally intelligent leaders can have a positive impact on organizations by helping employees grow, learn, and develop; creating a sense of purpose and meaning; instilling unity and team spirit; and building relationships of trust and respect

13 Leading With Love Versus Leading With Fear Traditionally, leadership in many organizations has been based on fear Test: What is the key to lock innovative leadership? Fear of: risking, being different, failing, delegation Fear in the workplace can prevent employees from doing their best, from taking risks Real Life Case: ServiceMaster, a dynamic company that cleans and maintains hospitals, schools, and other buildings, makes a priority of treating employees with respect and are concerned with how the employees feel about themselves and what they are doing. This is a huge motivating factor and encourages employees to exercise their own judgment and do their best

14 Leading With Love Versus Leading With Fear Most people want more than a paycheck from their jobs. Five unspoken requests are as follows: Hear and understand me Even if you disagree with me, please don’t make me wrong Acknowledge the greatness within me Remember to look for my loving intentions Tell me the truth with compassion Fear-based motivation – one needs a job for their basic needs, if a job is given, enough effort will be put forth to keep one’s job Love-based motivation – if the job and the leader make one feel valued as a person and provide a sense of meaning and contribution to the community at large, then one will give all they have to offer

15 Internet Resource Ways you increase your EQ: 1.Decide how you want to be emotionally. (amused, relaxing, inspiring) 2.How are you at the moment? Are you short tempered? Do you stay angry for long periods of time? 3.How do you get from where you are to where you want to be? Work hard to change old habits, listen to other’s points of view, control your anger level, and learn to relax and enjoy your positive emotions 4.Who can help you? Trusted colleagues, external mentors, etc… 5.Making the changes permanent. Practice! Keep trying until the new way of thinking becomes a second nature. Look for the good in people. Help others to find their best Emotional Leadership enables you to energize your team into doing what you are asking by helping them find the motivation in themselves

16 Questions 2. Do you agree that people have a capacity for developing their minds and hearts beyond current competency? Can you give an example? Yes. People always have the ability to further develop their minds and hearts beyond what they are currently capable of. However, some conditions must be met before they can attempt to improve upon themselves. First, they must want to further develop their minds and heart. Second, they must be devoted and put forth effort. When one focuses their desires and puts full effort into reaching a goal, there are few limits to what may be accomplished.

17 Questions Cont… 4. Discuss the similarity and differences between mental models and open- mindedness Mental Models, in a nutshell, are basically deep-seated assumptions, values, attitudes, beliefs, biases, and prejudices that determine how leaders make sense of the world. Two of the most important components of mental models are assumptions and perception. open-mindedness is basically an approach to independent thinking, and consists of trying to break out of the mental boxes, the categorized thinking patterns we have been conditioned to accept as correct. These categorized thinking patterns are often referred to as mental models. These two elements are related since open-mindedness basically aims to break out of mental models.

18 Questions Cont… 6. Which of the five elements of emotional intelligence do you consider most essential to an effective leader? Why? I believe that self-awareness is the most essential to an effective leader. This is mainly based on the belief that people who are in touch with their emotions are better able to guide their own lives. As a result, this can spark a sort of charisma and motivate others as well. 8. Have you ever experienced love and/or fear from leaders at work? How did you respond? Yes, my employers emphasized that all of their employees are important to them and have listened to their suggestions and needs. By being told that I was important and have a voice in the company, I tended to put forth full effort in projects since I wanted to be a part of them, not simply because I had to.

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