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Experiences of Drug Consumption Rooms in Europe

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1 Experiences of Drug Consumption Rooms in Europe
Cedric Charvet Coordinator DCR

2 INTRODUCTION Drug Consumption Room definition
DCR in context / Drug policies DCR goals Pros and Cons of DCR From Theory to Practice DCR around the world The Dutch experience DCR standards DCR styles / examples of DCR Set up a DCR DCR approach – a job like no other Conclusion

3 DEFINITION Drug Consumption Rooms (DCRs) are professionally supervised healthcare facilities where drug users can use drugs in safer and more hygienic conditions.

4 STREET USE, Switzerland 1986

5 Drug Consumption Room , Luxemburg 2003

6 Drug Consumption Rooms in context
Drug policies; the 4 pillars: Prevention Repression Therapy Harm Reduction → Drug Consumption Rooms (DCR)

7 DCR GOALS DCRs aim to establish contact with difficult-to-reach populations of drug users DCRs provide an environment for more hygienic drug use; reduce morbidity and mortality risks associated with drug use DCRs promote drug users’ access to other social, health and drug treatment services. DCRs also aim to reduce public drug use and public nuisances.

8 PROS AND CONS PROS decrease in high-risk drug use;
decrease in morbidity and mortality among the target population; increase in uptake of health and social care including drug treatment; reduction in public drug use and neighborhood nuisance. CONS may encourage increased drug use or even initiate new users; make drug use more acceptable and comfortable, delaying initiation to treatment; increase public order problems by attracting drug users and drug dealers from other areas. (Based on the EMCDDA Report/European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction/

9 The Ins and Outs of Harm Reduction

Because DCRs are facilities where drug users can use drugs in safer and more hygienic conditions, let’s talk about it. DRUGS + SAFETY HYGIENE STRESS FREE

11 DCRs AROUND THE WORLD Existing DCRs = Switzerland , Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Luxemburg, Norway, Australia, Canada Since 1986, more then 90 DCRs have been set up around the world, including 36 European cities Portugal, France, Romania, Finland could be next

12 AMOC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, before 2007
THE DUTCH EXPERIENCE AMOC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, before 2007

13 AMOC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, after 2007

14 DCR STANDARDS Being homeless Being hard drug user for 5 years or more
Basic criteria’s to access DCR Being homeless Being hard drug user for 5 years or more Being 18 years of age Understanding and agreeing on the DCR policies Not allowed in the DCR (but very difficult to apply) Stress Inappropriate and/or Dangerous behaviors Illegal activities


16 DCR STYLE Social DCR Medical DCR Injection Site Smoking Room
Mobile DCR Etc. Examples of DCRs

17 Bern, Switzerland

18 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

19 Geneva, Switzerland

20 Sidney, Australia

21 Luxemburg

22 Bilbao, Spain


24 HUMANISTIC APPROACH Allow users space and time to use and think Use without pressure Use without judgment Use without stress (Rat Park) Reward responsible use Allow users to be

25 CONCLUSION Think globally / Act locally
   Keep it simple (hygiene / safety / stress free) Listen to the local drug scene Every material given to users is an act of prevention Every service given by DCR is to implement the quality of life of users and the society as a whole

26 Thank you for your attention!
For further information feel free to contact me:

27 SOURCES Emcdda , European report on Drug Consumption Rooms, 2004, Dagmar Hedrich. Emcdda, Harm Reduction Monograph, 2010, Chapter 11: Drug consumption facilities in Europe and beyond Dagmar Hedrich, Thomas Kerr and Françoise Dubois-Arber. Indcr, "Setting up a drug consumption room - Legal issues", Paper F of the Independent Working Group on Drug Consumption Rooms, offers evidence supporting their Report. Forston, R Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Correlation Project, “Drug Consumption Rooms. Evidence and Practice”, Schatz, E. & Nougier, M. London,International Drug policy Consortium. De Regenboog Groep, DCR, Jubileum 35 years, 2011, Ins and Outs of Harm Reduction Board.

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