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M ARCH 20 Circular Motion and Gravitation Chapter 7.

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Presentation on theme: "M ARCH 20 Circular Motion and Gravitation Chapter 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ARCH 20 Circular Motion and Gravitation Chapter 7

2 A GENDA FOR M ARCH 20 Learning Target: Be able to solve problems involving Universal Law of gravitation. Vocabulary: Apparent weightlessness Semi-major axis ellipse Agenda Go over homework Section 4 simple Machines Holt notes through end of Chapter Homework: Review for Group test on friday. Do the following problems from 263 through 266: 2, 5,7, 9, 13, 17, 18, 23, 27, 38, 47

3 Q UIZ M ARCH 20-F ROM NOTES 1. Why is it easier to loosen the lid of a paint can with a long-handled screw drive vs a short handled? 2. What does d sin  re[resent when looking at the equation for torque? 3. What is the efficiency ration of a machine when considering work. 4. Any devices that transmit or modifies force is called? 5. What are two types of simple machines used to move a bicycle forward? 1.Provides a longer lever arm and a greater mechanical advantage 2.The perpendicular distance from axis of rotation to direction of the force 3.E=Wout/ Win 4.Simple Machine 5.Wheels and gear system (pulley)

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