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Word List #3b The Joy of Vocabulary. zealous (ZEL us) extremely active, eager, devoted Synonyms: enthusiastic, passionate, intense, earnest, ardent (AR.

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Presentation on theme: "Word List #3b The Joy of Vocabulary. zealous (ZEL us) extremely active, eager, devoted Synonyms: enthusiastic, passionate, intense, earnest, ardent (AR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word List #3b The Joy of Vocabulary

2 zealous (ZEL us) extremely active, eager, devoted Synonyms: enthusiastic, passionate, intense, earnest, ardent (AR dunt)

3 zealous From the Greek zelos First century AD: A group of Jews called Zealots. So actively opposed Roman rule that, when they were attacked (a struggle that lasted two years), they opted for suicide rather than surrender to the Romans.

4 candid (KAN did) honest, truthful, straightforward Synonyms: sincere, direct, outspoken, frank, forthright, uninhibited (un in HIB ih tid)

5 candid Roman word for shining white: candidus Associated with freshly fallen snow, but also to the purity of one’s integrity. Politicians wore white toga’s as a symbol of their spotless integrity/honesty

6 posthumous (POS chuh mus) occurring after death Synonyms: after-death, post-mortem (post MOR tum)

7 posthumous Comes from Latin postumus meaning very last post – after + humus- ground; as corpses were generally buried in the ground, the connotation makes sense.

8 enthrall (en THRAWL) charm, fascinate, please greatly Synonyms: spellbind, thrill, enchant, captivate (KAP tuh vate)

9 enthrall Thrall originally meant slave, so to enthrall someone was to make them your slave The modern usage is a metaphoric “enslavement” to something or someone

10 parasite (PAR uh site) plant or animal that lives on or in another and feeds off this other’s body; a person receiving support without giving anything useful or meaningful in return Synonyms: freeloader, deadbeat, sponger, sycophant (SIK uh fant)

11 parasite Greek in origin: para – besides + sitos – food: one who sits beside the food. Originally a term of honor; due to abuses of people flattering hosts to be invited back for free meals, however, the term evolved to its modern negative connation

12 Roots Sci – to know  Science; conscience Spir- to breathe  Respiratory; inspire Neo – new  Neo-classical; neocortex Merg- to sink  Submerge; merger Cred – to believe  Credible; incredible

13 What does it mean to be a non- conformist? Is it an attitude, an appearance, an action, or a combination of the three? What does it mean to be self-reliant? Is it pure independence? What would want to be self-reliant? Why wouldn’t they?

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