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PHYTOPLANKTON Diversity of Algae in the Plankton.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYTOPLANKTON Diversity of Algae in the Plankton."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYTOPLANKTON Diversity of Algae in the Plankton

2 All are free-floating All capture light energy by oxygenic photosynthesis All use a suite of photosynthetic pigments that includes Chlorophyll a.

3 Major Groups of Freshwater Phytoplankters 1.Blue-Green Algae- Cyanobacteria 2.Green Algae- Chlorophyta 3.Yellow-Green Algae- Xanthophyta 4.Golden-Brown Algae- Chrysophyta 5.Diatoms- Bacillariophyta 6.Haptomonads- Haptophyta 7.Cryptomonads- Cryptophyta 8.Dinoflagellates- Pyrrhophyta 9.Euglenoids- Euglenophyta

4 1. Blue-Green Algae=CYANOBACTERIA Chlorophyll a Β Carotene Xanthophylls Billiproteins No flagella Photosynthate stored as cyanophycin

5 Filamentous Cyanobacteria Heterocystic Filaments – Anabaena – Aphanizomenon

6 Filamentous Cyanobacteria No Cellular Differentiation – Oscillatoria – Planktothrix

7 Colonial Cyanobacteria Microcystis Gloeocapsa

8 2. Green Algae=CHLOROPHYTA Chlorophylls a and b Β Carotene Xanthophylls Paired, anteriorly-directed flagella Photosynthate stored as starch

9 Volvocines Volvox Pandorina Chlamydomonas

10 Chlorococcalian Greens Scenedesmus Pediastrum Ankistrodesmus Oocystis

11 Desmids Micrasterias Cosmarium Closterium

12 3. Yellow-Green Algae=XANTHOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Anteriorly-directed tinsel and posteriorly- directed whiplash flagella Photosynthate stored as oil Eyespot within the chloroplast

13 Xanthophytes Ophiocytium Tribonema

14 4. Golden-Brown Algae=CHRYSOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Anteriorly-directed tinsel and posteriorly- directed whiplash flagella Photosynthate stored as chrysolaminarin and fat Eyespot (if present) within the chloroplast Walls often made of silica scales

15 Chrysophytes Dinobryon Synura Mallomonas

16 5. Diatoms=BACILLARIOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Flagella only in sperm of centrics Photosynthate stored as oil or chrysolaminarin Walls (called frustules) made of silica

17 Centric Diatoms Cyclotella Melosira

18 Pennate Diatoms Fragilaria Synedra Navicula Asterionella

19 6. Haptomonads=HAPTOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Paired anteriorly-directed flagella and a haptonema Photosynthate stored as starch

20 Chrysochromulina

21 7. Cryptomonads=CRYPTOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Paired anteriorly-directed flagella Billiproteins Photosynthate stored as starch

22 Cryptomonas

23 8. Dinoflagellates=PYRRHOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls (dominant pigments) Posteriorly-directed whiplash and ribbon flagellum around middle of cell. Photosynthate stored as starch and oil

24 Dinoflagellates Gymnodinium Cystodinium Peridinium Ceratium

25 9. Euglenoids=EUGLENOPHYTA Chlorophylls a and c Β Carotene Xanthophylls Anteriorly-directed tinsel flagellum with paraflagellar rod (some with emergent recurrent flagellum) Photosynthate stored as leucosin

26 Euglenoids Euglena Phacus Trachelomonas

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