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John Treherne story uncovered

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Presentation on theme: "John Treherne story uncovered"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Treherne story uncovered
Life of a musician

2 Childhood As a child John learned the Piano he must of been influenenced by his father because he played the violin. This all took place in the town of Hull which is on the East coast of England.

3 Going to College John had been told Newcastle and Gateshead was a great place to learn how to play music so he moved to Newcastle and he joined Newcastle College.

4 Getting a job John wanted to become the Gateshead music manager but before he could he had to learn more instruments like the violin,guitar and harpsicord.

5 Music work shop John Treherne thought that children in Newcastle and Gateshead weren’t learning enough about music in school. So he made a group of travelling musicians. There is now 5 workshops operating around the Tyne.

6 pictures of John

7 Blaydon Races We learned a traditional song:

8 Thank you for watching Alistair and Oliver's presentation
Good Bye Thank you for watching Alistair and Oliver's presentation

9 Credits Oliver and Alistair Thanks to clip art Microsoft PowerPoint
Directed by Alistair Grey Produced by Oliver Robson John I hoped you liked this. Good bye and good night

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