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Morphology of RCB in health and disease Hematology CLS 531 Prepared by: Hajar AlQadeeb.

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Presentation on theme: "Morphology of RCB in health and disease Hematology CLS 531 Prepared by: Hajar AlQadeeb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morphology of RCB in health and disease Hematology CLS 531 Prepared by: Hajar AlQadeeb

2 Objectives Discuss the procedure for proper red blood cell examination with respect to: – objective(s) used – area examined Discuss various aspects of red cell morphology related to cell size Discuss various aspects of red cell morphology related to cell color. Discuss various aspects of red cell morphology related to cell shape.

3 Normal RBC Size: Normocyte Colour: Normochromic

4 Rouleax formation (thick part of film)

5 Variation in size Anisocytosis

6 Variation in shape Poikilocytosis

7 Variation in size Macrocyte Megaloplastic anemia, liver disease

8 Variation in size Microcyte Iron deficiency anemia, Thalasimia,and Sidroblastic anemia

9 Variation in shape Elleptocytosis: Elleptocyte= Rod-like

10 Variation in shape Schistocyte= RBC fragment

11 2 1 1)Sickled cell Variation in shape variation in colour 2)Target cell Sickle cell anemia

12 Variation in shape Burr cells (Echinocytes) Found in Uremia and Pyruvate kinase deficiency.

13 Variation in shape Poikilocyte = Pear or tear shaped

14 Variation in size:Microcyte Variation in colour: A)Target cell B)Hypochrmatic Iron deficiency anemia

15 Variation in content Nucleated RBC= late normoblast

16 Variation in content Basophilic stippling or RBC stippling

17 Variation in content Reticulocyte = immature RBC

18 Reticulocyte

19 Variation in content Heinz body Found in G6PD deficiency anemia.

20 Cont.

21 Variation in content Pappenhiemer bodies

22 Variation in content Howel Jolly bodies

23 The End

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