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Chapter 19.5-Stomach. Four Regions 1)Cardia 2)Fundus 3)Body 4)Pylorus -Pyloric sphincter CARDIA BODY FUNDUS PYLORUS Pyloric sphincter Rugae of mucosa.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19.5-Stomach. Four Regions 1)Cardia 2)Fundus 3)Body 4)Pylorus -Pyloric sphincter CARDIA BODY FUNDUS PYLORUS Pyloric sphincter Rugae of mucosa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19.5-Stomach

2 Four Regions 1)Cardia 2)Fundus 3)Body 4)Pylorus -Pyloric sphincter CARDIA BODY FUNDUS PYLORUS Pyloric sphincter Rugae of mucosa

3 Gastric Glands -The rugae is covered is lined with gastric pits -Gastric pits contain epithelial secretory cells called gastric glands -Mucous surface and neck cells: secrete mucous into lumen -Chief cells: secrete inactive enzyme pepsinogen -Parietal cells: Secrete HCl; turns pepsinogen -> pepsin -All of these secretions are called gastric juice -G Cells secrete gastrin into blood stream

4 Gastric pits Surface mucous cell Mucous neck cell Parietal cell Chief cell G cell

5 Digestion and Absorption in Stomach -HCl secretions trigger nerve impulses that initiate mixing waves -Produces chyme -Forces a small amount of chyme through pyloric sphincter -Different food types spend different amounts of time in stomach

6 Digestion and Absorption in Stomach -Protein digestion begins in the stomach -Pepsin breaks peptide bonds between amino acids -Stomach cells protected by mucous lining -Triglycerides broken down into fatty acids by lingual lipase -Very little absorption takes place in stomach

7 Chapter 19.6- Pancreas

8 Structure of the Pancreas -Lies behind the stomach -Connected to the small intestines via hepatopancreatic duct -Pancreatic duct combined with common bile duct from liver -Epithelial cells secrete pancreatic juice -Mixture of fluid and digestive enzymes -Other cells secrete hormones Left hepatic duct Right hepatic duct Gallbladder Hepatopancreatic duct to duodenum Pancreatic duct Common bile duct Pancreas

9 Pancreatic Juice -Consists of water, salts, sodium bicarbonate, and enzymes -Bicarbonate (pH=7.1-8.2) makes the juice basic -Digestive Enzymes: -Pancreatic amylase -> starch -Trypsin (activated by enterokinase) -> protein -Chymotrypsin (activated by trypsin) -> protein -Carboxypeptidase (activated by trypsin) -> protein -Pancreatic lipase -> fats -Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease -> nucleic acids


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