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Jennifer Zins Perry Communications Group CAHU No on Prop 45 Grassroots Campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Zins Perry Communications Group CAHU No on Prop 45 Grassroots Campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Zins Perry Communications Group CAHU No on Prop 45 Grassroots Campaign

2  Insurance Rate Public Justification & Accountability Act  After failing to move forward as a bill  November 4 th Ballot Initiative

3  To slow the escalation of rate increases  Would apply to Individual and Small Group health plans  One elected politician

4  One elected politician will approve or disapprove rates, benefits, co-pays, deductibles and treatments  Most past ICs have gone on to run for Governor  Would retro back to November 6, 2012, Rates & Agent Compensation?

5  It would apply not just to rates, but also…  benefits  premiums  base rates  underwriting relativities  discounts  co-payments  co-insurance  deductibles  premium financing  installment fees, and  any other out-of-pocket costs

6  Why do we have rate increases now?  The cost of “health care”  New technology  Rx

7  We already have measures in place through ACA  80% Individual and Small Group  Refunds have been made

8  Hasn’t worked in nearly every situation  Like setting a maximum price at the gas pump  The ACA has provided subsidies

9  The CA Secretary of State estimates administrative costs to be in the tens of millions annually  Funded with fees charged to the insurers  Who will ultimately pay… insureds?

10  Massive bureaucracy  Delays in product and rate launches  May reduce the number of plans / benefits  Reduces choice  Carriers will need to cut costs !

11  How would they deal with this?  Do we care? Yes We Do!  Consumers’ and employers’ choice would be affected  Access to physicians could be affected

12  Insurance Commissioner / political ambitions  Trial lawyers, and they are funding this Prop  Interveners will be paid $675 / hour to file lawsuits

13  Proponents of the ACA  Physicians  Hospitals  Medical Society  Building and construction trades  California Chamber of Commerce  Business groups  Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse  Nurses’ associations

14  Small Business Majority  Unions  California Hispanic Chamber  NAACP  Asian Business Association  William Jefferson Clinton Democrats  California Democrat and Republican Legislators  Covered California – California’s “Exchange”

15 You are an important part of this effort! “The 40 Vote CAHU Challenge” 10 NO Votes from CLIENTS 10 NO Votes from FAMILY & FRIENDS 10 No Votes from EMPLOYEES/COLLEAGUES 10 NO Votes from CLIENTS’ EMPLOYEES _________________________________ 40 NO VOTES x 2,500 CAHU Members = 100,000 NO VOTES

16  Materials for Clients  Flyers and posters  Brochures and postcards  Pens and buttons  Pre-written emails  New Website! – COMING SOON!!!!  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts

17  Vote NO on Prop 45  Share information with others – Newsletters, Website, Social Media  Local Civic/Business Orgs??  Encourage Clients, Friends Colleagues Vote No on 45!

18  Then NO on Prop 45!!!  Visit  It is ESSENTIAL you share the information!!!


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