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Tabitha Cambodia. When a person begins to work in a Third World Country – they should always ask questions before they design the answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Tabitha Cambodia. When a person begins to work in a Third World Country – they should always ask questions before they design the answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tabitha Cambodia

2 When a person begins to work in a Third World Country – they should always ask questions before they design the answers.









11 90% of poverty is attitudinal. People have moved into despair, have given up hope – have given up trying.




15  People save a little money each week – When they begin it is.25 cents a week  They save for 10 weeks - $2.50  Tabitha pays the family 10%- or.25  The family now has $2.75  The family buys 5 baby chicks at.50 cents each

16 Saves for another 10 weeks - $2.50 plus.25 cents interest= $2.75 Sells the chickens for $10 each – $52.75 Buys a sack of rice – 50 kilos – cost is $40.00 Buys 20 chicks for $10.00 Buys second hand clothes for the children

17  Family saves $5.00 - $55.50  Sells 20 chickens - $200.00  Plants seeds for garden  Pays $15.00 for well  Buys Water Pump for $190  Buys 30 chickens - $15.00

18 pots and pans pay school fees buy cement posts to build a house or buy a bicycle






24 to raise pigs ducks or chickens family garden or fish



27 A widow and children are too poor First they get water to grow rice Then a water jar to store the water They buy blankets and ice box

28 They save to buy pigs And to raise chickens From this ----To this

29 In Svay Rieng 200 families lived in small huts and on small plots of land – hunger was always there.

30 The Tabitha volunteer was elected as village chief. He went to the government and asked for land for the families. Each family was given 100 square meters of land Tabitha gave wells to encourage the people

31 The government banned the import of meat and so they raised pigs They grew gardens that supplied a healthy diet and food to sell They raised chickens and ducks for food and selling And each cycle they saved to buy house materials until…. UNTILL


33 For some families, they need extra help-Tabitha house building volunteers come from all over the world and build for those who cannot build for themselves

34 More than 12,000 volunteers from all over the world have come to build 6,878 houses.


36 Villagers and chiefs join in to build a school Once there is a donor – construction begins

37 Desks for Students Blackboard and Teachers Desks are included



40 Financial Sustainability and Cottage Industry Financial sustainability is derived partly from cottage industry Sales pay for 80% of all administrative costs It teaches Cambodians to take pride in Cambodian made products It is an alternative for street women.

41 Cottage Industry helps to restore dignity, pride and self respect to those who have lost this through poverty, Aids and famine.

42 Women are the mainstay of all families – when a mother is sick – all families suffer

43 When a woman becomes too sick – the family will often sell all that they own – land, animals and sometimes children

44 First we will build a hospital Second we will out fit the hospital

45 Third we will have mobile clinics that will go out to all areas in Cambodia In time – every woman in Cambodia will have access to healthcare

46 SUMMARY Tabitha helps families change their lives

47 From this...

48 to a secure home

49 to having sources of income

50 to having children in school

51 to growing vegetables for food and for sale

52 having access to clean water

53 to having dignity restored through decent labor

54 Cambodia’s Future

55 ON behalf of our families and staff we say Akun - Thank you

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