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Nursing Care for Clients with Wounds Nursing Fundamentals- NURS B20.

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Presentation on theme: "Nursing Care for Clients with Wounds Nursing Fundamentals- NURS B20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursing Care for Clients with Wounds Nursing Fundamentals- NURS B20

2 Wound Classifications Status of skin integrity –Open Wound –Closed Wound Cause –Intentional –Unintentional

3 Wound Classifications Severity of Injury –Superficial –Penetrating –Perforating Cleanliness –Wound Classifications 1- 4

4 Wound Classifications Descriptive Qualities –Laceration –Incision –Abrasion –Contusion

5 Healing by Primary and Secondary Intention Primary Intention Secondary Intention Delayed Closure Nutrition in Wound Healing

6 Complications in Wound Healing Hemorrhage Infections Dehiscence Evisceration Fistulas

7 Factors Influencing Wound Healing Age Nutritional status Obesity Extent of wound Tissue oxygenation Smoking Immune Status Chronic conditions Radiation Stress on wound

8 Assessment In emergency settings –Bleeding? –Foreign bodies or contamination? –Size of wound? –Need for protection of wound? –Need for tetanus antitoxin

9 Assessment Stable Setting –Wound appearance –Character of drainage Serous Sanguineous Serosanguineous Purulent

10 Assessment Stable setting –Drains Penrose Evacuator units –Jackson Pratt drains –Hemovac drains –Wound closures Sutures Steel staples Clear strips Wound glues

11 Drains and Wound Closures

12 Assessment Stable setting (continued) –Palpation of the wound –Pain –Wound Cultures

13 Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Skin Integrity Impaired Tissue Integrity Risk for Infection Pain Imbalanced Nutrition, Less than body requirements

14 Implementation Wound Management –Dressings Purpose of dressings Three layers of surgical dressings –Contact layer –Absorbent layer –Outer layer

15 Implementation Wound Management (continued) –Dressings Types of dressings –Gauze dressings –Wet to dry dressings –Nonadherent dressings –Self-adhesive transparent dressings –Hydrocolloid and hydrogel dressings

16 Implementation Wound Management (continued) –Dressings Changing a dressing Packing a wound Securing a dressing –Cleansing skin and drain sites Basic skin cleansing Irrigations

17 Cleaning a Wound

18 Securing A Dressing

19 Implementation Wound Management (continued) –Suture Care –Bandages and binders Provide extra protection and therapeutic benefits by: –Exerting pressure –Immobilizing a body part –Supporting a wound –Securing a splint –Securing dressings

20 Implementation Wound management (continued) –Principles of bandage and binder application: Position in normal anatomical alignment Prevent friction between/ against skin surfaces Apply bandages securely to prevent slippage Wrap extremities from distal to proximal Apply firmly with equal tension, avoid excess overlap Position knots, pins, ties away from the wound for sensitive skin areas

21 Implementation Wound management (continued) –Types of binders Breast Abdominal T-Binder Slings

22 Abdominal Binder

23 Implementation Wound management (continued) –Elastic Bandage (Ace wrap) Wider bandages for larger body parts Variety of turns to cover various body parts –Circular, spiral, figure of eight Evaluate distal circulation –At least q 4 hours –Note: »Color »Temperature »Pulses »Presence of Numbness

24 Types of Bandage Applications

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