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 Born 20 th of November 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri  Outstanding athlete in high school and college: baseball, football, basketball, track, and amateur.

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2  Born 20 th of November 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri  Outstanding athlete in high school and college: baseball, football, basketball, track, and amateur boxing  Bachelor of Science at the University of Chicago (math, astronomy, and philosophy)  Despite his intense interest in astronomy since boyhood, surrendered to his father’s request to study law  Bachelor’s, Master’s and Rhodes Scholar at The Queen’s College, Oxford (jurisprudence, literature, and Spanish)  In 1913, when his father died, he taught high school Spanish, math, and physics for one year before resuming his study of astronomy  PhD in astronomy at University of Chicago

3  Served in first World War as Major in United States Army  Studied astronomy at Cambridge after the war  From 1919 until his death, he worked at Mount Wilson and Mount Palomar Observatories  Served in the Army during the second World War at Aberdeen Proving Ground  Converted from Christianity to agnosticism  No funeral was held, nor is his burial site known

4  Proved that other galaxies exist outside of the Milky Way — previously, it was believed that the Milky Way Galaxy made up the entire Universe  Established a system of classifying galaxies, known as the Hubble Sequence  Hubble’s Law — proved through observation that the Universe is expanding, thus verifying the Big Bang Theory

5  Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal 1938 — “for outstanding lifetime contributions to astronomy” (Bruce Medal, 2013)  Franklin Medal 1939 — “a solar and engineering award…by the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia” (Franklin Medal, 2013)  Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society 1940  Legion of Merit 1946 — “for outstanding contribution to ballistics research” (Edwin Hubble, 2013)  Asteroid 2069 Hubble  The crater Hubble on the Moon  Hubble Space Telescope  Hubble Planetarium in Brooklyn, NY

6  Edwin Hubble Highway — stretch of Interstate 44 passing through his birthplace, Marshfield, Missouri  Inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians 2003  Postage stamp issued in 2008 "American Scientists" US stamp series  The Edwin P. Hubble Medal of Initiative is awarded annually by the city of Marshfield, Missouri  Hubble Middle School in Wheaton, Illinois

7  Named after astronomer Edwin Hubble  Carried into orbit by Space Shuttle Discovery in 1990  Hubble's orbit outside the distortion of Earth's atmosphere allows it to take extremely high-resolution images with almost no background light — observations have led to determining the rate of expansion of the universe

8 Bruce medal. In (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from Edwin Hubble. In (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from Franklin medal. In (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from Hubble sequence. In (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from Hubble space telescope. In (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved from cope

9 Images. (2013). Retrieved from hubble photos&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&e i=h0Y1UpOANpLi8gTx6oCwBA&ved=0CCsQsA Q&biw=1600&bih=767&dpr=1

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