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ByRosie. What is Netiquette? Netiquette is online etiquette It means being polite online. Sometimes you don’t realise that you hurt people’s feelings.

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Presentation on theme: "ByRosie. What is Netiquette? Netiquette is online etiquette It means being polite online. Sometimes you don’t realise that you hurt people’s feelings."— Presentation transcript:

1 ByRosie

2 What is Netiquette? Netiquette is online etiquette It means being polite online. Sometimes you don’t realise that you hurt people’s feelings.

3 Online Netiquette Rules! REMEMBER THE HUMAN is the most important rule it means that even though you’re online, at the other end is a human. Online you don’t use capitals, it means you’re shouting and you might upset the person at the other end. On the computer it’s like real life all the time. So treat others like you want to be treated!

4 Copyright It’s illegal to download music without permission from the owner. It’s illegal to copy and paste a picture from a website if you haven't asked the owner and it is copyrighted. It’s illegal to copy someone’s work and put it on a word document and claim it as your own. This is called plagiarism. Why don’t you look at it and put in your own words?

5 Apologise If you are the person who is sending the message OR have already sent it. Send another message to say sorry and, I don’t know why I sent that horrible message.

6 Emoticons   Emoticon human beingTo show your emotions reply with a little Emoticon they can show the human being how you feel. The smiley face, the sad face or the straight face or lots of others.

7 Question Time You are on the internet and you get this memorandum (message). And it has swearing on it. Would you? A. Reply in a rude manner B. Delete it, and forget about it C. Tell a trusted Adult or a family friend.

8 Why we all need NETIQUETTE My thoughts are we need netiquette otherwise the internet will be rude and unsafe for everyone.

9 Answers period A1. Tell a trusted adult or close family friend.

10 Credits Thank you for watching my slide show I hope it helped you understand the meaning of online etiquette. So go and spread the word that Netiquette is important in life.

11 I feel content about my work because it was a good amount, with lots of information

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