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Assessment Policy Overview Dwayne Holford Coordinator, Academic Affairs.

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1 Assessment Policy Overview Dwayne Holford Coordinator, Academic Affairs

2 History of Assessment in Oklahoma 1980 - assessment demands placed on higher education 1989- the North Central Association of Colleges and Universities adopted a “Statement on Assessment and Student Academic Achievement.” 1991- Legislature adopted 1219 which provided for the establishment of a system wide assessment fee.

3 History of Assessment in Oklahoma 1991- Regents adopted policy 1991- institutional plans submitted 1993 - program fully operational in spring 1993 - revision required ACT cut scores 1996 - revision included graduate student assessment The assessment policy has not changed since 1996 but there have been changes in policy language

4 Current Policy Policy Contents Statement of Accountability Definition and Purpose Institutional Requirements Entry-level Assessment and Placement Mid-Level Assessment Program Outcomes Assessment Assessment of Student Satisfaction Graduate Student Assessment

5 Entry Level Assessment Each institution will use established ACT scores at or above the State Regents’ established minimum in the four subject areas of science reasoning, mathematics, reading, and English. To assist institutional faculty and counselors in making decisions that will give students the best possible chance of success in attaining their academic goals

6 2007-2008 Entry Level Requirements ACT or SAT OU* (resident) OU (nonresident) 24 26 1090 1170 OSU241090 USAO221020 Regional universities20940 Community collegesNo minimum required

7 Entry-Level Reporting The number of students participating in entry level assessment and assessment results The number of students requiring basic skills development by area A summary and explanation of the assessment results The methodologies by which students were required to participate in the improvement of basic skills

8 Mid-Level Assessment Competencies gained through general education Results used to improve the institution program Designed to assess students academic progress in reading, writing, mathematics, and critical thinking After student completes 45–70 credit hours Examples of mid-level assessment include: 1. Academic standing 2. GPA 3. Standardized or locally developed instruments

9 Program Outcomes Assessment Also known as field of study assessment Measures how well students are meeting goals and objectives Instrument is the responsibility of the institution Guidelines for selecting methodologies 1. Should reflect the curriculum of the major 2. Should assess higher level thinking skills 3. Should be reliable and valid

10 Student Satisfaction Perceptions of students and alumni important in the evaluation of programs and services Provide an indication of students’ subjective view Accomplished through surveys and interviews Activities included are satisfaction with student services, quality of food, access to financial aid, and parking

11 Mid-Level, Program, and Student Satisfaction Assessment Reporting The number of students assessed and the assessment results A summary and explanation of the assessment results Detailed plans for any instructional changes due to the assessment results

12 Graduate Student Assessment Institutions are required to perform assessment of graduate students if assessment fees are charged Emphasis placed on assessing student learning and evaluating student satisfaction Departmental pre-tests, capstone experiences, cohort tracking, portfolios, interviews and surveys are commonly used methods

13 OSRHE Policy Manual

14 Any Questions

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