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TEST TAKING TIPS Created by Janice Levasseur MSJC ~ San Jacinto Campus Math Center Workshop Series.

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Presentation on theme: "TEST TAKING TIPS Created by Janice Levasseur MSJC ~ San Jacinto Campus Math Center Workshop Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEST TAKING TIPS Created by Janice Levasseur MSJC ~ San Jacinto Campus Math Center Workshop Series

2 Tests in College You, not the instructor, need to organize the material to prepare for tests Mastery is often seen as the ability to apply what you’ve learned to solve new kinds of problems

3 Your Present Skills To evaluate your present test preparation skills, read each statement carefully and answer True or False. Be honest with yourself to get an accurate assessment.

4 Assessing your present Test Preparation Strategies 1.I usually read my assignments for the first time just before I am to be tested over the material.

5 2. When studying for an essay test, I try to learn general concepts in addition to specific facts.

6 3. I study pretty much the same way for tests, whether the test is essay, multiple- choice, problem-solving, or some other type.

7 4.I often study late, or even all night, the night before a test.

8 5. I try to ask myself probable test questions and answer them when studying for a test.

9 6. I sometimes find myself memorizing formulas or rules that I don’t really understand, but that I think might appear on a test.

10 7. I usually begin reviewing material several days before the date of the exam.

11 8.When the teacher makes them available, I look through old tests for a course when I begin studying for an exam.

12 9. It’s usually hard for me to know what to study when the teacher announces that a test will be multiple-choice.

13 10. I usually try to find out exactly what will be covered on an exam (which textbook chapters, class lectures, homework questions, outside readings, etc.)

14 The following statements are TRUE for students who prepare effectively for tests. 2. When studying for an essay test, I try to learn general concepts in addition to specific facts. 5. I try to ask myself probable test questions and answer them when studying for a test. 7. I usually begin reviewing material several days before the date of the exam. 8. When the teacher makes them available, I look through old tests for a course when I begin studying for an exam. 10. I usually try to find out exactly what will be covered on an exam (which chapters, class lectures, homework questions, readings, etc.)

15 The following statements are FALSE for students who prepare effectively for tests. 1. I usually read my assignments for the first time just before I am to be tested over the material. 3. I study pretty much the same way for tests, whether the test is essay, multiple-choice, problem-solving, or some other type. 4. I often study late, or even all night, the night before a test. 6. I sometimes find myself memorizing formulas or rules that I don’t really understand, but that I think might appear on a test. 9. It’s usually hard for me to know what to study when the teacher announces that a test will be multiple-choice.

16 Test Anxiety ~“I always seem to study the wrong things.” ~“I stay up late studying and then I’m so tired I can’t remember anything.” ~“No matter how much I study, I always panic when it is test time.” ~“My mind goes blank!”

17 Test Anxiety stems from three sources 1.Poor test preparation and test-taking strategies 2.Psychological pressures 3.Poor health habits

18 Many students experience some form of test anxiety Anxiety may manifest itself physically and/or mentally Anxiety may be mild or severe

19 Symptoms of Test Anxiety Survey Physical Symptoms  Increased sweating  Increased need to urinate  Headaches  Shakiness  Upset stomach  Pounding heart  Loss of appetite  Tightness of muscles

20  Stiff neck  Backaches  Physical fatigue  Insomnia  Mental fatigue  Feelings of inadequacy  “free floating” anxiety More physical symptoms

21 Mental Symptoms  Confusion  Disorganization  Foggy thinking  Blank mind  Freezing up  Overwhelming fear  Panic  Poor concentration  Increased errors

22  Fleeting thought processes  Narrowed perceptions  Immobilized creativity  Nervous worrying  Pervasive negativism  Weakened logical thinking  Feelings of impending doom  Distracting thoughts  Poor attention span More mental symptoms

23 Anxiety... A little bit is good! A low level of anxiety often results in inadequate motivation and poor performance As anxiety increases to a moderate level, perceptions sharpen; alertness, energy, motivation, and creativity increases and performance reaches optimal levels But if anxiety continues to increase, indecisiveness, carelessness, and poor judgement manifest

24 Anxiety level vs. Performance performance level of anxiety Keep you anxiety within a moderate manageable level for optimum performance by: –Reversing any negative self-talk –Use relaxation techniques (breathing) –Practice visualizing success

25 Before the Exam The best way to deal with test anxiety is to prepare well for each test The more confident you are, the calmer you will be Preparation for your first test should begin the first day of class!

26 Keep up with and complete the class homework assignments Review lecture notes and returned homework assignments on a regular basis Create a “chapter summary” at the conclusion of each chapter, summarizing the definitions, key points, formulas, processes, etc. Be aware of the date of the first exam and all subsequent exams

27 The “Magic of Now” Improves Memory German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghouse researched the rate of forgetting and found: After 20 minutes, nearly 50% of what had been learned was forgotten After 1 day, nearly 66% lost After 2 days, 69% lost After 15 days, 75% lost After 31 days, 78% lost

28 H.F. Spitzer’s study on retention Showed that students who reviewed the material immediately after learning and then did periodic reviews were able to retain almost 80% of the material after 2 months!

29 Studying for an Exam 1.Be aware of the exam date! 2.Be sure to be in class for the exam review –Format of the exam? –How many questions? Type? –Point per question? –Materials allowed? –Time allowed?

30 3.Start studying early (don’t cram) to internalize and understand 4.Review HW, Quizzes, in class worksheets, exam review, old exams from the teacher to identify “important” topics 5.Do practice problems 6.Create a “cheat sheet” (one that you could possibly take into the exam to use!)

31 7.Take a practice test – if you stumble on a type of question, go back and study that topic (spend your time studying the topics that are the hardest for you!) 8.Study in blocks – an hour or so of study followed by a ten-minute break 9.Complete your final review for the test 10.Get plenty of rest the night before (at least 8 hours. You need to be rested to think clearly!)

32 The Day of the Exam 1.Set not only one alarm but a “back up” 2.Eat breakfast 3.Dress appropriately 4.Be sure to bring everything you need to the exam (calculator, paper, pencil, cheat sheet if allowed) 5.Arrive early so you are not rushed or flustered

33 6.When you get your exam, do a brain dump (create an “instant cheat sheet”) 7.Look over the entire exam so you know how to pace yourself 8.Start at the beginning (do the easiest problems to get your brain warmed up) 9.Read each problem thoroughly and be sure you can identify clearly what is being asked

34 10.Don’t spend too much time on one problem. Mark it and return later – keep progressing! 11.Remain calm, focused, and positive (remember, you ARE prepared) 12.Remember partial credit – show your work 13.Use the whole time (recheck, proofread) 14.BREATHE! 15.After leaving the exam, reward yourself for having completed the exam.

35 After the Exam 1.Be in class for the exam review 2.After receiving your exam back, look it over immediately 3.Redo any question missed. If you don’t understand your error, see the instructor or a tutor 4.Don’t throw away your exam – use it later to study for the final!

36 Test Preparation Progress Check The following questions will give you a chance to see what you’ve learned... 1.When is the best time to do your reading assignments? –All at once, just before the test –When they are discussed in class –All at once, at the beginning of the term

37 2.What topics should you spend most time on when studying for a test? –All topic equally –Most time on the topics that are the easiest for you –Most time on the topics that are hardest for you

38 3.What is usually the most efficient length for blocks of study time? –15 minutes study with a 5-minute break after each study block –One hour study with a 10-minute break after each study block –3 – 4 hours with no breaks

39 4.Should you look over last year’s tests in a course when possible? Why or why not? –Yes, the teacher will probably use many of the questions again –No, you should spend your time studying your text and your class notes –Yes, you can learn what kinds of questions the teacher asks and what topics he/she thinks are important

40 5.When, if ever, should you review test papers that are returned to you? –Immediately, to learn what gave you trouble on the test –Just before the next test, to get you in the “right mindset” –Never, reviewing your mistakes is likely to cause test anxiety

41 6.When should you complete your final review for a test? –The night before the test –Just before the test begins –At least three days before the test

42 You Can Do It! Prepare Believe Achieve!

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