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Narrative Writing.

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1 Narrative Writing

2 Read the story below. What do you notice?
On the first day of school, I wore my favorite shirt and pants. First I went to school and my mom and I checked the class list. Then I found my classroom. I was going to be in room 5 with Ms. Reily. I felt a little nervous to meet my new teacher. By lunch I could tell that I was going to really like her.

3 On the first day of school, I wore my favorite shirt and pants
On the first day of school, I wore my favorite shirt and pants. First I went to school and my mom and I checked the class list. Then I found my classroom. I was going to be in room 5 with Ms. Reily. I felt a little nervous to meet my new teacher. By lunch I could tell that I was going to really like her. The story is true. The story is written using words such as I and my. The events are told in sequence.

4 On the first day of school, I wore my favorite shirt and pants
On the first day of school, I wore my favorite shirt and pants. First I went to school and my mom and I checked the class list. Then I found my classroom. I was going to be in room 5 with Ms. Reily. I felt a little nervous to meet my new teacher. By lunch I could tell that I was going to really like her. The writer expresses feeling.

5 Narrative Writing. The writer is telling the story
Narrative Writing * The writer is telling the story. The writer uses words like I, my, me, and mine. * The writer tells about real events and lists the events in order. The writer uses order words like first, next, then, and last.

6 Why do write a narrative story?
To entertain your classmates, your teacher, your friends, or your family.

7 You often write about narratives in your journal.
Possible Narrative topics: A time you were happy A trip to the doctor A special time you spent with family A time when you went to a special place A time when you helped someone and there are many more ideas. The point is a narrative story is all about you!

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