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Engineering Carrie Ballester Member of the Engineering Staff Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors 1-16-2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Carrie Ballester Member of the Engineering Staff Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors 1-16-2009."— Presentation transcript:


2 Engineering Carrie Ballester Member of the Engineering Staff Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors 1-16-2009

3 What is an engineer? First, let’s define what an engineer is NOT! Engineers are NOT huge nerds!

4 Why Engineering? Engineers apply what they know to the world around them to solve problems to improve quality of life. “Scientists make it known. Engineers make it useful.”

5 Why Engineering? Engineers created the world we live in! Experience the satisfaction of problem solving, possibly creating new technological advances Challenging/exciting projects Engineers can work anywhere, on anything

6 Opportunities in Engineering Electrical Computer Mechanical Chemical Industrial Aerospace Materials Nuclear Ceramic Civil Agricultural Biomedical The list goes on...

7 Characteristics of Engineers Hard Workers Desire to make things better Always like to do / learn new things Resourceful - Seek out experts / information Persistent – don’t give up when idea fails Strong math and science skills (not perfect) Analytical – figure out what is known and not known Creative Team players Good communication skills Honest Engineers see their work turn into reality! True sense of accomplishment

8 Career Paths in Engineering Program Manager Design Engineer Consultant Sales – sell existing products Manufacturing Engineer Business Development Functional Manager Chief Engineer Chief Technologist Technical Director Project Team Lead Average Starting Salaries ~$55-60,000 / year

9 Program Manager Project Team Lead Design Engineer Chief Technologist Manufacturin g Engineer Functional Manager Engineering Consultant Chief Engineer Design Engineer Technical Director Example Career Paths

10 Education Strong Focus on: –Mathematics and Science Core classes: –Calculus (2 years) –Physics and Chemistry Master’s Degree Requires an additional 1-2 years Focusing on a particular engineering project Bachelor’s Degree Four years to complete Build a strong foundation in a specific engineering discipline Doctoral Degree Requires an additional 4-6 years after Bachelor’s Focuses on research

11 How To Get Your Kids Interested in Engineering Encourage your kids to get involved and ask questions Attend seminars that feature information involving different engineering/technological fields Be involved with your kids decisions as they enter college and choose a career path. It will affect the rest of their lives!

12 As You and Your Student Prepare For College Explore and visit several colleges. Inquire about programs. Find out the pros and cons of each and compare. Find out what other programs (outside of engineering) are availabe to students should they decide not to pursue engineering/technology.

13 What To Expect When They Start College Transition Period –New Friends –Different Schedules and Class Structure Process of choosing the right major. Engineering is a challenging field but not impossible! Encourage them to get involved in student organizations, meet friends and network with other students, professors, industry professionals.

14 How Can You, As Parents, Help? The biggest thing you can provide your students with is your support! –Talk to them about their classes. –Make joint decisions. –Encourage them to take classes in various fields. This will help them to determine what they like/dislike about each area. –Encourage them to meet other students in their classes.

15 Common Misperceptions About Engineering According to studies, both young boys and young girls think that you MUST be a Math/Science genius to become a successful engineer Boys stay in engineering longer because they are better at Math/Science. –Girls drop out more quickly than boys because they believe that they do not have what it takes to become an engineer (Girls will blame themselves for poor grades, whereas boys will blame the teacher, etc.) Engineers are dorky!!

16 54525048464442403836343230282624222018161412108642 Age Births (000's) Birth Year1945 2000 28% Decline in Births From Baby Boom Peak Future Labor Pool 2001-2006 U. S. Workforce Projections Fastest growing segments of the population are 45-54 and 55+Fastest growing segments of the population are 45-54 and 55+ 25-34 and 35-44 age groups are declining25-34 and 35-44 age groups are declining Labor force for next 20 years already bornLabor force for next 20 years already born Births not sufficient to replace baby boomersBirths not sufficient to replace baby boomers

17 Statistics 2

18 Eng Disciplines by Gender (2000)

19 Master’s Degrees in Eng (1975-2000)

20 Discipline19912001 Aerospace4,0722,402 Electrical29,02421,956 Mechanical19,44317,631 Computer8,25918,017 Total60,79860,006 Engineering Graduates Selected Disciplines Source: National Science Foundation –Science and Engineering Indicators 2002-EWC for 2000 enrollments Computer Science enrollments declined 1% in 2001-setting stage for shortages in 2005 Source: Engineering Workforce Commission Engineering Enrollment Trends Are Flat

21 Engineering Organizations Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Society of Hispanic Engineers (SHPE) Society of Black Engineers Women in Computer Science IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)

22 SWE’s Mission Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders Expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life Demonstrate the value of diversity

23 Objectives Inform young women, their parents, counselors, and the general public, of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers and the opportunities open to them. Assist women in readying themselves for a return to active work after temporary retirement Serve as a center of information on women in engineering. Encourage women engineers to attain high levels of education and professional achievement

24 What Are We Doing in New Jersey? Collegiate Level –Forming a foundation for young women engineers –Forming networks between collegiate students and working professionals to keep them informed Professional Level –Reach out, through community events, to inform all women about the possibilities in engineering Ex. Girl Scout Events, Joint Activities, Community Projects –Provide a network that is available to women as they progress through their careers

25 What Are We Doing at Lockheed Martin? Elementary School, Middle School, High School –Space Day –Reading Programs –Junior Achievement –Tutoring –Engineers week –Bring your Child to Work Day –First Robotics –Women in Engineering Day –Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts

26 SWE National Regions E SWE Region E New Jersey

27 SWE NJ Student Sections College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Steven's Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ Fairleigh-Dickenson University, Teaneck, NJ

28 Summary Engineering and Technology Fields Will Continue to Experience a Growing Need for Talented Employees Encouraging children to consider Engineering and Technology as a Future Career Path is vital Take Advantage of Opportunities to Learn More: Corporations, Colleges, and Professional Organizations Visit SWE Website:

29 For More Information… Please visit our SWE NJ website at: National SWE website:

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