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Standardized Tests & Testing : Standardized Tests & Testing : Are they obsolete in our brave new world? A WRAITEC Approach Presenters: Zhao Bin Lionell.

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Presentation on theme: "Standardized Tests & Testing : Standardized Tests & Testing : Are they obsolete in our brave new world? A WRAITEC Approach Presenters: Zhao Bin Lionell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standardized Tests & Testing : Standardized Tests & Testing : Are they obsolete in our brave new world? A WRAITEC Approach Presenters: Zhao Bin Lionell Ernest Wen Cong Wei Ren

2 WHAT? What is defined as standardized tests? Uniformed in scope, format, and difficulty School wide tests – CAs, SAs Nation wide tests – PSLE, GCE O and A levels Are standardized test accurate? Students will be equipped with a similar set of skills and knowledge Not a fair test in the globalised world

3 WHAT? What is defined as the brave new world ? Technology-based? What is necessary in the brave new world? Innovation, creativity, flexibility What is the purpose of standardized tests? To gauge the standard for comparison Creates a benchmark for students

4 REASONS Does Standardized tests truly show the true standard of a student? Easily prepared for Not unusual for test takers to rely upon commercially available books that provide in-depth coverage of the standardized test or compilations of previous tests E.g. 10 year series

5 REASONS Are there others better methods to show the true strength of a student? Is standardized test really ineffective?

6 ASSUMPTIONS Standardized testing has been effective in the past There had been societal transformation in the past century Academic testing is indispensible Would it be possible to do away with academic testing and instead focus on other ways of assessments? Standardized testing is the most feasible mode of assessment currently

7 EXAMPLES The Singapore Ministry of Education is starting to deviate for the Chinese language from the standard tests to small tests like class discussion and diary writing etc. Less emphasis on grading Streams such as EM1, 2 and 3 removed.


9 WHAT? What is elitism? The mindset that the capable should be awarded more resources, resulting in discrimination. What implications does elitism bring? Feelings of resentment, relatively incapable parties to be marginalized What is the flaw in our education? Streaming practices breed elitism


11 REASONS Is Streaming the main cause of elitism? Is elitism due to the segregation of the best and the worst? Is it justified why resources are spent on the best?

12 REASONS Is education a direct cause of elitism? The best are those who are selected for everything – scholarships, competition, awards Causes a divide between the good and the not- so-good students

13 ASSUMPTIONS Is elitism necessarily bad? Does elitism create segregation? Is segregation necessarily detrimental? Essential for the society to function?

14 EXAMPLES Wee Shu Min elitism controversy Dismissing the views of Derek Wee who voiced concerns on job security and age discrimination on his blog, she shot back by calling Derek a "stupid crackpot", and called for Derek to "get out of my elite uncaring face.”


16 Flaws Costly Large amount of development resources are needed Not proficient in either of the languages(something known as singlish) Time spent to each subject is lesser; less specialized Question to ponder: What is the opportunity cost of bilingualism?

17 Flaws Discrimination The government would have a hard time deciding which of the 2 languages to choose. Those races whose language are left out may feel unhappy.

18 Assumptions Bilingualism acts as the best language policy in a multicultural society. Quantity is more important than quality. Bilingualism is the best investment. Bilingualism, as it is carried out in Singapore, is the ideal situation.

19 Thank You.

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