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Phase 1 – 2002 Fire Emissions Inventory FEJF Meeting September 8 – 9, 2004 Worley, ID – Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Dave Randall (303.988.2960 x221;

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Presentation on theme: "Phase 1 – 2002 Fire Emissions Inventory FEJF Meeting September 8 – 9, 2004 Worley, ID – Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Dave Randall (303.988.2960 x221;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phase 1 – 2002 Fire Emissions Inventory FEJF Meeting September 8 – 9, 2004 Worley, ID – Coeur D’Alene Casino Resort Hotel Dave Randall (303.988.2960 x221; Air Sciences Inc. ( 1301 Washington Ave, Suite 200 Golden, CO 80401 Essential Documentation and PPT Presentation posted at: Report_20040910.pdf

2 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I2 2002 Fire EI Phase 1 Work Phase1 –Agricultural Burning EI Outreach to States and Tribes –Natural / Anthropogenic Categorization of Fires (& re-delivery of Phase 1 EI files to WRAP / RMC) –Rangeland burning methodology –Essential Documentation (revised)

3 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I3 Ag Burning EI Outreach 1 st detailed presentation of Ag burning EI to States and Tribes Objectives –Inform States & Tribes of agricultural burning data being used in WRAP’s modeling efforts. –Obtain Quality Control (QC) review from appropriate Ag burning / air quality personnel

4 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I4 Ag Burning EI Outreach Prepared Outreach / QC Notebooks –Selected 3 Tribes to receive notebooks Performed GIS-based “join” of Ag burning data and Tribal Land boundaries (source – DOI-BLM). Prepared candidate list of Tribes Review/recommendations from FEJF Co-Chairs and Cathy Messerschmitt (NTEC) 1.Nez Perce Tribe 2.Coeur D’Alene Tribe 3.Spirit Lake Nation

5 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I5 Ag Burning EI Outreach Prepared Outreach / QC Notebooks –Engineered EI spreadsheet to accommodate jurisdiction-specific data summaries. –Developed activity & emissions tables and charts. –Drafted summary / introduction letter. –Prepared QC input sheets. –Compiled essential reference documentation.

6 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I6 Ag Burning EI Outreach Prepared Outreach / QC Notebooks –Developed and released BETA version of Notebook CA, WY, Nez Perce Tribe –Incorporated comments CA, FEJF Co-Chairs (AZ & WY), NTEC, WRAP –Released Notebooks to States and Tribes (September 1, 2004)

7 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I7 Ag Burning EI Outreach Notebook Contents –Introduction Letter. –Map of jurisdiction showing Ag burning activity level. –Tables (modified “Bakergrams”) and charts to present / summarize activity and emissions data. –QC reporting forms. –Essential reference documentation. –CD ROM including EXCEL file of data

8 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I8 Ag Burning EI Outreach Data Presentation. –Contents designed to allow reviewer to: Get general idea of Ag burning activity in EI. –Spatial distribution –Temporal distribution –Crop-types burned Focus on CRITICAL record information –Acres burned –Residue burned –PM2.5 emissions

9 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I9 Ag Burning EI Outreach Data Presentation. –Contents designed to allow reviewer to: Spot obvious errors / omissions easily. “Drill down” into the Ag burning data (…data presentations get more detailed as you move through the notebook). Efficiently locate data in the EXCEL file. Provide appropriate type / level of QC feedback

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37 FEJF Sept 8 - 9 2004, Worley ID WRAP 2002 Fire EI Phase I37 Ag Burning EI Outreach What’s Next? –We’ve asked States and Tribes to complete their review and provide responses by 09/16/2004. Range of responses – –Form A – meta data only (or “no changes”) –Filled out response forms –Data corrections / additions –New 2002 Ag burning activity database –Responses incorporated into Phase 2 EI

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