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2 DO NOW 10 Weird Health Clues

3 CHAPTER 33 OPEN NOTE QUIZ On Page 972, answer questions 1, 3, 13-20, 23-28

4 HOMEWORK DUE TODAY Read 35.1 Answer Questions 1a, 1b, 2a on 1013 Open note quiz

5 REVIEW HOMEWORK DUE TODAY List the types of organisms that can cause disease Viruses Bacteria Fungi Parasites

6 REVIEW HOMEWORK DUE TODAY What are the ways that pathogens can cause disease in their hosts? Some viruses and bacteria directly destroy the cells of their host. Other bacteria release poisons that kill host cells or interfere with their functions

7 REVIEW HOMEWORK DUE TODAY What are the ways in which infectious diseases are spread? Coughing, sneezing, physical contact, exchange of body fluids, contaminated water or food, infected animals

8 HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS Read 35.2 How does the body fight infection?

9 EARLY DISEASES People believed that diseases were from evil spirits and curses “God bless you” 1800s it was discovered that infectious diseases were caused from microorganisms that disrupt normal body functions “Germs” Germ Theory for disease

10 “GERMS” No scientific meaning Caused by: Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protists Parasites All known as Pathogens

11 PATHOGENS NAMECHARACTERISTICDISEASES VirusesNonliving, insert genetic material into host cell; take over host cell functions Common cold, flu, chickenpox, warts BacteriaRelease toxins that interfere with normal host cell activity Strep throat, anthrax FungiInfection on surface of skin, mouth, throat Ringworm, thrush ProtistsTake nutrients from host; inflict damage to cells and tissues Malaria, intestinal diseases ParasitesWormlike; enter through mouth; absorb nutrients through intestinal tract Trichinosis, hookworm, elephantiasis



14 SPREAD OF DISEASES Different for different diseases Sneezing Coughing Physical contact Exchange of body fluids Infected animals Droplets in the air/doorknobs WASH YOUR HANDS!

15 SPREAD OF PATHOGENS Direct contact from host to host Hepatitis can be caused by the sharing of syringes and drug use Contaminated water/food Infect digestive tract

16 HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS Read 35.2 How does the body fight infection?

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