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Putting It All Together 1.  Maintaining a Hard Drive Ch 4 Lab  Hardware cleaning tips ▪ Microsoft Tips Microsoft Tips ▪ Computer Hope Tips Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting It All Together 1.  Maintaining a Hard Drive Ch 4 Lab  Hardware cleaning tips ▪ Microsoft Tips Microsoft Tips ▪ Computer Hope Tips Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting It All Together 1

2  Maintaining a Hard Drive Ch 4 Lab  Hardware cleaning tips ▪ Microsoft Tips Microsoft Tips ▪ Computer Hope Tips Computer Hope Tips  Managing Files and Folders Ch 4 Lab  Backing Up Your Computer Ch 4 Lab  Software installs/updates Ch 3 Disc/Lab Traditional – rooted in history – how it used to be – customary; where things were before constant connection all the time like we are now; rooted in time before Internet; however, including Internet and browser considerations in “traditional steps” (slides 3-8) presents change and evolution in what is traditional 2

3 1. Run Windows updates (and set to update automatically 2. Remove adware, malware, spyware 3. Install/run antivirus software 4. Run disk cleanup ▪ All Programs>Accessories>System Tools 5. Defrag hard drive 6. Clear Internet browsing history 7. Registry cleaner (controversy regarding whether necessary or not) 3

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7 Clear Internet browsing history  In IE, Tools>Folder Options  In Firefox, Tools>Clear Recent History and >Options 7

8  Controversy regarding necessity  CCleaner utility (if you determine you want to use one) CCleaner utility  Registry related error exampleexample  Windows Vista not loading user profile correctly  Error message: The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.  Solution: edit the registry ▪ Be careful when editing the registry; possible to make a mistake that causes bigger problems 8

9  Viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware  Antivirus/antispyware  Service packs  Software updates  Software patches  Security updates 9

10  Naming conventions  Why certain names, characters not allowed  To space or not to space  Location  Root directory  Subdirectories  Path  File extensions vs. file formats  File Properties 10

11  Save vs. Save As  Windows Explorer (Mac Finder)  File hierarchy: tree structure metaphor and file cabinet metaphor (files and folders)  File Management Tasks  File Management Tips  Formatting, tracks, sectors  File systems (FAT32, NTFS)  Deleting files  Fragmentation 11

12  Have a plan  What needs backed up  Schedule for backups  Boot disk  Backup and restore procedures ▪ Backup and restore utility ▪ Copy/paste files to other storage device  Storage of backups 12

13  Firewalls  Wireless connections and security ▪ How to hide and secure home wireless  File sharing  Antivirus/antispyware  Reliable (and safe) websites for downloads  Secure websites  Spam, cookies, phishing, pharming  Troubleshoot Internet speed issues, if problems  VPN (virtual private network) * * Will explore this in It’s All Business 13

14 Encryption and security Wireless connections and security P2P networks File sharing MAC addresses VPN (virtual private network) * * Will explore this in It’s All Business 14

15  PIAT (consider all pieces) when taking care of your computer  “Traditional” maintenance today = all the pie  Networking and Internet security are part of pie today beyond just antivirus and firewall 15 Hard Drive Internet Security Networking File Management Backing Up Your Computer Software

16 16 Chapter 3 Discussion & Chapter 4 Lab in particular will help you develop a plan

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