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Incontro con i referee di CNS3 Milano 28 Febbraio 2014 Isospin dependence of compound nucleus formation and decay ISODEC – Scientific Program

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1 Incontro con i referee di CNS3 Milano 28 Febbraio 2014 Isospin dependence of compound nucleus formation and decay ISODEC – Scientific Program LOI@SPES 2014 S.Pirrone – INFN Sezione di Catania Steering Committee SPES Gruppo di Studio SPES Documento per la CNS3 Comitato organizzatore Spes2014



4 Isospin dependence of compound nucleus formation and decay Isospin dependence of compound nucleus formation and decay S.Pirrone (INFN – Catania), J.P.Wieleczko (GANIL- Caen), M.La Commara (Univ.& INFN – Napoli), G.Politi (Univ. &INFN – Catania) SPES2010 - LNL, 15-17 November 2010 SPES 2010 Workshop & IV LEA-COLLIGA Meeting 15-19 November 2010INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro LOI @

5 Isospin dependence of compound nucleus formation and decay Guilain ADEMARD on behalf of EXOCHIM - ISODEC collaboration IPN-Orsay (France) SPES One Day Workshop Isospin on reaction mechanism with RIBs’ Catania 8, 9 October 2013

6 ISODEC - Scientific Program ITA-FRA Collaboration Spokes: J.P. Wieleczko GANIL, S. Pirrone INFN-CT M. La Commara Univ. & INFN-Na, G. Politi Univ. & INFN-CT Stable Beams -E475S@GANIL, with INDRA (2007) -ISODEC@LNS, with CHIMERA (2010) Next Exotic Beams -Loi for SPES@LNL -Next proposal for SPIRAL2@GANIL ??? LEA COLLIGA agreement (GANIL_INFN) J.P. Wieleczko, Lea Colliga Meeting,LNL 2007 J.P. Wieleczko, Lea Colliga Meeting, LNL 2007 E.Bonnet, Lea Colliga Meeting, LNS 2008 S.P., Lea Colliga Meeting, Paris 2009 S.P., Lea Colliga Meeting & SPES2010, LNL 2010 G.Politi, Lea Colliga Meeting, Orsay 2011 G.Politi, Lea Colliga-Copigal, Kakow 2012 S.P., Lea Colliga-Copigal, Paris 2014

7 S. P. et al., Proc. of FUSION11, EPJ Web of Conf. 17, 16010 (2011) G. Politi et al., Proc. of CNR11 EPJ Web of Conf. 21, 02003 (2012) M.La Commara et al., Proc. of IWM2011, EPJ Web of Conf. 11, 00022 (2012) S. P. et al.,Proc of ICRTNP2012, AIP Conf. Proc. 1524, 7-10 (2013) M.La Commara et al., Proc. Of INPC2013, to be published (2014) S.P. et al, Proc of Echic2013, IOP Conf series, to be published (2014) ISODEC CHIMERA@LNS 2010 Fasci di CS – uso PSD-Silici – bassa energia E = 10 AMeV 78, 86 Kr + 40,48 Ca 118, 134 Ba* E = 10 AMeV

8 the isospin dependence (N/Z) of the formation and emission mechanism of complex fragments (IMF, Z≥3) from CN, to extract information on: - level density parameter, (thermal properties, E*, m effective ) - fission barrier, (Symmetry, congruence and Wigner E terms) - viscosity, ( coupling collective – intrinsic modes, Fermi level) Heavy ion collisions with stable and exotic beam Low energy regime E/A ≤ 15 MeV/A Fusion reaction mechanism Physics Case and Context Decay modes and emission process are complex and strongly influenced by E*, angular momentum, asymmetry, N/Z composition, nuclear structure


10 Constraints on LDM 72 Kr + 40 Ca 96 Kr + 48 Ca Liquid Drop Model predictions E S =a s (1-k s I 2 )A 2/3  sym =a s k s Fission barrier - E symmetry P.Moller et al., NPA361,117 (1981) a s surf. energy costant k s surf. asymmetry costant

11 Sobotka et al, PRC36(1987) Even-Odd staggering effect in the IMF σ measurement – comparison with literature data Jing et al, PRC49(1994)

12 CN neutron rich (o) Z  1430% less fission (Z  14 ) 6 ≤ Z ≤ 12 )Less even-odd staggering of IMF ( 6 ≤ Z ≤ 12 ) FF IMF G. Ademard et al. PRC 83 (2011) 054619 E475S INDRA @GANIL E = 5.5 AMeV 78, 82 Kr + 40 Ca 118,122 Ba* (~ 100 MeV) 3≤  ≤ 44° IC-Si-CsI forward part Energy, angular and charge distribution of RP Cross section decay mode

13 R.J.Charity et al, Nucl.Phys.A483 (1988) D.Mancusi et al, PhysRev C 82 (2010) Statistical Model Fermi Gas model (level density) Hauser-Feschbach for LCP’s Trantion state model for IMF Z>2 FRLDM barrier from Sierk Structure effect NOT considered G. Ademard et al. PRC 83 (2011) 054619

14 DSN (di-nuclear system) -model Sh.A.Kalandarov et al. PRC82 (2010) Statistical Model Fermi Gas model (level density) Hauser-Feschbach for LCP’s Trantion state model for IMF Z>2 FRLDM barrier from Sierk Structure effect NOT considered Dynamical model DNS in competition to CN Quasi-fission phenomena N/Z dependence not considered G. Ademard et al. PRC 83 (2011) 054619

15 ISODEC CHIMERA@LNS E = 10 AMeV 78, 86 Kr + 40,48 Ca 118, 134 Ba* Higher energy Influence on the amplitude of the staggering, on the temperature of the emitting system. Isotopic identification of IMF to investigate the staggering effects looking at the isotopic distribution of IMF. Exploration of a larger domain in N/Z of the system (stable beam!) to study the dependence from the N/Z on the mechanism of complex fragment emission from CN Exclusive measurements in a large angular range CN 118 Ba 134 Ba E*(MeV)215270 V B (MeV)9087 E CM /V B 2.93.5 (N/Z) tot 1.111.39

16 PSD in Silicon ΔE-E, Si-CsI(Tl) IMF Isotopic Identification

17 ΔE-E, Si-CsI(Tl) Identificazione Isotopica IMF n-richn-poor 10 Be 9 Be IMF Isotopic Identification

18 Li Be B Li Be B A=9 A=10 A=9 A=7 n-rich 86 Kr + 48 Ca 10 AMeV, ϑ =12° n-poor 78 Kr + 40 Ca IMF Mass Distribution Different isotopic compositions and relative enrichment for the same Z in the two systems

19 Carbon Mass Distribution ϑ = 15° (Ring 12)

20 n-rich Carbon Isotopes Energy Spectra (CM) Tesi B.Gnoffo 2013

21 n-poor Carbon Isotopes Energy Spectra (CM) Tesi B.Gnoffo 2013

22 n-poor n-rich Normalized Yields Comparison PRELIMINAR 10.5° ≤ ϑ ≤ 15.5° Tesi B.Gnoffo 2013 86 Kr + 48 Ca 78 Kr + 40 Ca - Influence of the Isospin (N/Z) - influence of nuclear pairing force - influence of structure effects (M. D’Agostino et al., NPA 861 (2011) 47 ) - Esym connection (models) E=10 AMeV

23 Very preliminary comparison with DiNuclear System (DNS) code Simulation performed for the TOTAL cross section and normalized at Z=5 DNS seems to reproduce slightly better the n-poor system by S.A. Kalandarov -Private communication

24 - Data analysis are in progress : ER identification for CN cross section Exclusive measurements (e.g. coincidence LCP-FF, LCP-ER) Absolute cross sections calculations for different mechanisms to confirm these first observations - Complete comparisons with theoretical predictions sensitive to the isospin influence on the reaction mechanism and fragment production -Produzione articolo entro l’anno - FASE PREPARATORIA SPES Possibili nuove proposte di esperimento con fasci stabili (anche con nuove osservabili e utilizzando le correlazioni (FARCOS)) (LNS-GANIL) - LOI@SPES attività collaborative a vario livello con gruppi nazionali ed internazionali, TUTTO DA DEFINIRE Prossimo futuro

25 Estensione delle problematiche di ISODEC con misure con fasci esotici, in cui possiamo raggiungere alti valori ed ampi intervalli di N/Z e studiare l’influenza della struttura nucleare sul meccanismo di reazione. Includeremo problematica connessa alla Fissione Dinamica, già da noi studiata a energie intermedie, da studiare a basse energie, con fasci stabili (@LNS –FASE PREPARATORIA SPES) esotici (@SPES). LOI@SPES

26 From early prompt neck fragmentation to PLF dynamical fission Binary break-up The time-scale of the process as a function of the incident energy and impact parameter could be the main signature among different mechanisms: 1)Early neck fragmentation (40-120 fm/c) 2)Dynamical fission (120-300 fm/c 3)Equilibrated fission (>1000 fm/c) The time-scale of the process as a function of the incident energy and impact parameter could be the main signature among different mechanisms: 1)Early neck fragmentation (40-120 fm/c) 2)Dynamical fission (120-300 fm/c 3)Equilibrated fission (>1000 fm/c) With respect to the prompt neck emission, the emission of heavy IMFs from projectile-like fragment break-up appears at a later stage Requirement: Z 2F =Z H +Z L = 37-57  Z proj =50 Heavy Light

27 P. Russotto et al., submitted, PRC (2014) Probability ratio of dynamical and statistical emission Cross-sections Dynamical component: enhanced in the neutron rich (especially for heavier IMF) Statistical component: almost equal (A ratio: 188/170  1.1) Comparison of IMFs cross sections for 124Sn+64Ni and 112Sn+58Ni

28 System N/Z Projectile N/Z target N/Z compound 124 Sn+ 64 Ni1.481.291.41 124 Xe+ 64 Zn1.301.131.24 112 Sn+ 58 Ni1.241.071.18 The idea is to use uses a projectile/target combination having the same mass of the neutron rich 124 Sn+ 64 Ni system and a N/Z 124 Xe+ 64 Zn as the neutron poor one 112 Sn+ 58 Ni at the same bombarding energy of 35 A.MeV using the 4 π detector CHIMERA and a Farcos module prototype. 4 telescopes 25 cm from the target  lab  16-44 deg,   45 deg 4 telescopes 25 cm from the target  lab  16-44 deg,   45 deg A new setup: the 4π CHIMERA + 4 modules of FARCOS prototype Based on (62x64x64 mm 3 ) clusters 1 square (0.3x62x62 mm 3 ) DSSSD 32+32 strips 1 square (1.5x62x62 mm 3 ) DSSSD 32+32 strips 4 60x32x32 mm 3 CsI(Tl) crystals (6 cm) DSSSD 1500 μm (2nd stage) DSSSD 300 μm (1st stage) 132 ch. by each cluster The InKiIsSy (INverse KInematics ISobaric SYstems) April 2013

29 Studio con fasci stabili (LNS) e esotici a bassa energia (@SPES) dell’influenza dell’isospin sul meccanismo di Dynamical Fission in prosecuzione degli studi di Chimera a energie intermedie (P.Russotto submitted 2014) e sul break-up veloce nei sistemi pesanti (Au+Au a 15 A.MeV, I. Skwira-Chalot et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 262701, (2008), …) A.A. Stefanini et al, Zeit. Phys. A 351, 167 (1995) 100 Mo+ 100 Mo and 120 Sn+ 120 Sn at 18.7 AMeV Un meccanismo a due step: una reazione deep-inelastic seguita dalla fissione “veloce” (1-5x10 -21 sec) di uno dei frammenti primari (3 corpi nello stato finale) che risente fortemente dell’influenza del campo coulombiano dell’altro residuo (effetti di prossimità) e della deformazione del frammento primario. Asymmetric splitting = faster Osservato anche a piu‘ bassa energia: P. Glassel et al. Zeit. Phys. A 310, 189 (1983): 84 Kr+ 166 Er and 129 Xe+ 122 Sn at 12.5 AMeV

30 LOI@SPES E =10 AMeV ISODEC 94 Kr + 40,48 Ca 134, 142 Ba* (~320 MeV) (già 2010) DYNAMICAL FISSION in progress….

31 -Study the formation of compound nuclei with same Z and different content in neutron number : 78,94 Kr + 40,48 Ca 128,140 Ba -Study the formation of the same compound by using two different entrance channel: CN = 140 Ba 92 Kr+ 48 Ca and 128 Sn+ 12 C -Study the formation of compound nuclei having the same A but not the same Z. (Proposal for SPIRAL2) 78 Cu+ 24 Mg 102 Nb 78 Kr+ 24 Mg 102 Cd

32 time resolution ∆t ≤ 1ns

33 Key Observables Isotopic distribution for IMF 3≤Z≤12 E = 8÷20 MeV/A 4° < θ < 30° Energy, angular distribution RP (FF-ER-IMF-LCP) Charge identification FF (Z < 30) ER (Z < 50) Cross sections for decay modes Multiplicity Relative velocity and angular correlation Coincidence ER-LCP, FF-LCP, IMF-LCP

34 Ipotesi di strumentazione @SPES CHIMERA@LNLCHIMERA@LNL Part of CHIMERA + existing detectors @LNLPart of CHIMERA + existing detectors @LNL New detectorNew detector FARCOS +…. FAZIA, TRACE, …… Possibili nuove collaborazioni

35 EXOCHIM – ISODEC collaboration S.P. 1, G.Politi 1,2, M.LaCommara 3,4, J.P.Wieleczko 5, G.Ademard 5, E.DeFilippo 1, M.Vigilante 3,4, F.Amorini 6, L.Auditore 7,8, C.Beck 9, I.Berceanu 10, E.Bonnet 5, B.Borderie 11, G.Cardella 1, A. Chbihi 5, M.Colonna 6, A.D’Onofrio 4,12, J.D.Frankland5, E.Geraci 2,1, B.Gnoffo 2, E.Henry 13, E.LaGuidara 1,14, G.Lanzalone 15,6, P Lautesse 16, D.Lebhertz 5, N.LeNeindre 17, I.Lombardo 4, D.Loria 7,8, K.Mazurek 5, A.Pagano 1, M.Papa 1, E.Piasecki 18, F.Porto 2,6, M.Quinlann 13, F.Rizzo 2,6, E.Rosato 3,4, P.Russotto 2,6, W.U.Schroeder 13, G.Spadaccini 3,4, A.Trifirò 7,8, J.Toke 13, M.Trimarchi 7,8, G.Verde 1 1) INFN - Catania, Italy 2) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Catania, Italy 3) Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università Federico II Napoli, Italy 4) INFN - Napoli, Italy 5) GANIL - Caen, France 6) INFN LNS - Catania, Italy 7) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Messina, Italy 8) INFN Gruppo Collegato di Messina, Italy 9) IN2P3 - IPHC Strasbourg, France 10) IPNE, Bucharest, Romania 11) IN2P3 - IPN Orsay, France 12) Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali - Seconda Università di Napoli, Caserta, Italy 13) University of Rochester, USA 14) Centro Siciliano Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia, Catania, Italy 15) Università Kore, Enna, Italy 16) IN2P3 - IPN Lyon, France 17) IN2P3 - LPC Caen, France 18) University of Warsaw, Poland

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