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Eyes. God Has “Eyes” Eyes of The Lord – Prov.15:3 He Sees All – Heb.4:13 Watches Over His Own – I Peter 3:12 God Is A Spirit – Jn.4:24; Lk.24:39 Anthropomorphism.

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Presentation on theme: "Eyes. God Has “Eyes” Eyes of The Lord – Prov.15:3 He Sees All – Heb.4:13 Watches Over His Own – I Peter 3:12 God Is A Spirit – Jn.4:24; Lk.24:39 Anthropomorphism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyes

2 God Has “Eyes” Eyes of The Lord – Prov.15:3 He Sees All – Heb.4:13 Watches Over His Own – I Peter 3:12 God Is A Spirit – Jn.4:24; Lk.24:39 Anthropomorphism

3 Interesting Texts About Eyes  Can Dim With Age: Gen.27:1, 48:10; Deut.34:7  Eyes Put Out: Jud.16:21, 2Kg.25:7  Paint the Eyes (Lids – Lashes): Ezk.23:40  Eye For and Eye: Ex.21:24  Smoke In Eyes: Prov.10:26  Bloodshot Eyes: Prov.23:29-30  Eye Witnesses: 2 Pet.1:16, 1 Jn.1:1  Not Give Eye Service: Eph.6:6, Col.3:22

4 Bad Eyes: Morally & Spiritually Nearsighted – “Myopia” 2 Pet.1:8-9, Col.3:2, 2Cor.4:18 Adulterous Eyes – 2 Pet.2:14, Mt.5:27-28 Contaminated Eyes – Matt.6:22-23 Lust of the Eyes – 1 Jn.2:15-17 Blinded Eyes – Mat.13:15, 15:14. 2 Cor.4:3-4

5 Eyes That We Need To Have Eyes of Faith – Heb.12:2, 2Cor.4:18, 5:7 Eyes of Compassion – Lk.10:33, Lk.15:20 Watchful Eyes – Matt.26:41, Heb.12:15 Evangelistic Eyes – Jn.4:35 Eyes of Sympathy – Jn.11:35, Lk.19:41 Enlighten Eyes – Eph.1:16-18 Ready To Pluck Out Eye – Mt.18:9 Apply The Eye Medicine – Rev.3:17-18

6 Let Jesus Enlighten You Tonight 1. Hear God’s Message, Acts 2:22 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 3. Repent and Turn to God, Acts 2:38 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Acts 8:37 5. Be Immersed For Cleansing, Acts 22:16 ------------------------------  Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, Rev.2:10  If Err From The Truth: Repent and Confess, A c.19:18

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