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(A Sermon Request).  “Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.”  “Christ’s death on the cross not only provides for forgiveness of sin,

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Presentation on theme: "(A Sermon Request).  “Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.”  “Christ’s death on the cross not only provides for forgiveness of sin,"— Presentation transcript:

1 (A Sermon Request)

2  “Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement.”  “Christ’s death on the cross not only provides for forgiveness of sin, but also healing for sickness. The One who gave you the gift of eternal life…is the same One who can heal your body.”  “By understanding and applying the Living Word of God, you can receive Physical Healing, Spiritual Healing, Emotional Healing, and even Financial Blessings in your life.”  “Discover how it is God's desire to bring pardon and healing.”  “We see that healing and health form part of Christ’s salvation.”

3  True Miracles Took Place in Bible Times  Both Old Testament Miracles and New Testament Miracles  We Should Pray for The Sick Today  God Has Miraculous Powers Today  God Can Act in Providence Without Miracles  But What Has God Willed and Revealed in the Bible  Is Physical Healing Part of The Atonement?

4  1 Peter 2:24 vs.25  3 John 2 Define “May”  Heb.13:8 Prove Too Much…  Mark 16:17-18 vs.14-20  Matt.8:16-17 Is.53:4 not Is.53:5  James 5:14 vs.13-18

5  Quagmire Verses:  1 Tim.5:23  2 Tim.4:20  God’s Will For Our Soul to Prosper  God Only Promised To Provide Our Necessities, Mt.6:25-34, 1 Tim.6:7-8  Health May or May Not be Ours: 2Cor.4:16, Lk.17:13, Phil.2:27, 2 Tim.4:20

6  Need To Trust God, Mt.6:30, 2Cor.1:8-11  Sickness is Only Temporary, 2Cor.4:16-18  Sickness and Trials Refine Our Faith, Jm.1:2-4, 1 Pet.1:6-9  Learn Important Qualities, 2Cor.12:7-10, Phil.4:11-13, Ps.119:67,71  Makes Us Long for Heaven, Rom.8:18-25

7 1. Hear the gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 3. Repent and Turn to God, Luke 13:3 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Matt.10:32 5. Be Immersed in Water, Mk.16:16 --------------------------------  Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, Rev.2:10  2 nd Law of Pardon: Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22

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