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Final OVERVIEW Review PSY 321. Major Lessons & Practical Issues of Social Psychology (not to be covered on exam)

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Presentation on theme: "Final OVERVIEW Review PSY 321. Major Lessons & Practical Issues of Social Psychology (not to be covered on exam)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final OVERVIEW Review PSY 321

2 Major Lessons & Practical Issues of Social Psychology (not to be covered on exam)

3 Major Lessons of Social Psychology 1.) Situations exert a much more powerful influence on behavior than we realize.

4 Examples of the Power of the Situation, and our Failure to Recognize It Persuasion in Advertising Obedience to Authority Bystander Nonintervention Social Facilitation Stereotype Threat Proximity & Attraction The Fundamental Attribution Error Self-fulfilling Prophecies

5 Major Lessons of Social Psychology 1.) Situations exert a much more powerful influence on behavior than we realize. 2.) People see themselves (and everything associated with the self) in a very positive light.

6 Phenomena That Demonstrate Self-Enhancement Self-enhancement Ingroup favoritism Name-letter effect Similarity & attraction

7 Major Lessons of Social Psychology 1.) Situations exert a much more powerful influence on behavior than we realize. 2.) People see themselves (and everything associated with self) in a very positive light. 3.) Thought tends to be more rationalizing than rational.

8 Things that People Rationalize Their own behavior –Cognitive dissonance –Actor-observer bias The status quo –Just world beliefs Status advantages –Social dominance orientation Group differences –Stereotyping

9 Some Practical Lessons from Social Psychology (not to be covered on exam)

10 6: “There’s a sucker born every minute” Don’t underestimate the effects that everyday advertising can have on you

11 5: Violence begets Violence Limit the amount of exposure your children have to violent media, including video games, movies, and TV. –Social learning theory –Research on effects of violence in media and video games on aggression

12 Before violent movie

13 After violent movie

14 4: Interact with Outgroups When you interact with people outside of your group –Recognize they may have similar thoughts and feelings as your thoughts and feelings –Stereotypes can be automatic –Shared goals decrease prejudice –Contact decreases prejudice

15 3: If someone needs help, find help! Don’t let these things get in the way of getting help in an emergency: –Diffusion of responsibility –Fear of embarrassment –Time pressure –Bad mood –Good mood It’s better to err on the safe side Kitty Genovese

16 2: People who do crazy/dumb/rude things aren’t necessarily crazy/dumb/rude –The fundamental attribution error –Bottom Line: When evaluating and responding to others, consider the power of the situation

17 1: Question Authority!!!

18 Thanks for a great first semester. Good luck on the test!

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