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Unit 2: Engineering Design Process

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1 Unit 2: Engineering Design Process
Foundations of Technology Unit 2: Engineering Design Process Lesson 5: Prototyping and Modeling 3 Calculating Area and Volume

2 The Big Idea Big Idea: At various intervals of the Engineering Design Process, conceptual, mathematical and physical models are used to evaluate the design solution.

3 Area and Volume Definitions:
Area – the amount of space inside a two- dimensional shape. Surface area – the total area of all surfaces on a three-dimensional object. Volume – the amount of space a three- dimensional object occupies.

4 Area Square: a = the length of all sides, as all sides are equal
Equation for Area (A) = s X s = s² = A s s s s

5 Area Rectangle: W = the width of rectangle H = the height of rectangle
Equation for Area (A) = W x H = A W H

6 Area Triangle: b = the base of the triangle
h = the height of the triangle Equation for Area (A) = ½(b x h) = A h b

7 Area Circle: r = the radius of the circle
Equation for Area (A) = π(r²) = A r

8 Practice Questions Calculate the area for the square and rectangle:
W = 3 H = 2

9 Practice Questions Calculate the area for the square and rectangle
W = 3 Area = a² = 4² A = 16 Area = W x H = 3 x 2 A = 6 H = 2

10 Practice Questions Calculate the area for the triangle and circle:
b = 4

11 Practice Questions Calculate the area for the triangle and circle:
Area = π(r²) = π(2.5²) = π(6.25) A = 19.6 Area = ½(b x h) = ½(4 x 3) = ½(12) A = 6 b = 4

12 Surface Area Cube: a = the length of all sides, as all six sides are equal Equation Surface Area (SA) = 6(s²) = SA s s s

13 Surface Area Rectangular Prism: W = the width of the prism
D = the depth of the prism H = the height of the prism Equation Surface Area (SA) = 2(W x H) + 2(D x H) + 2(W x D) = SA W D H

14 Surface Area Sphere: r = the radius of the sphere
Equation Surface Area (SA) = 4π(r²) = SA r

15 Surface Area Cylinder: r = the radius of the cylinder
h = the height of the cylinder Equation Surface Area (SA) = 2π(r²) + 2π(r x h) = SA h r

16 Practice Question Calculate the surface area for the sphere and cylinder: H = 3 s = 2 D = 2 W = 4

17 Practice Question Calculate the surface area for the cube and rectangular prism: H = 3 s = 2 D = 2 W = 4 Surface Area = 2(W x D) + 2(H x D) + 2(W x H) = 2(4 x 2) + 2(3 x 2) + 2(4 x 3) = 2(8) + 2(6) + 2(12) = SA = 52 Surface Area = 6s² = 6(2²) = 6(4) SA = 24

18 Practice Question Calculate the surface area for the sphere and cylinder: r = 2 h = 6 r = 1

19 Practice Question Calculate the surface area for the sphere and cylinder: Surface Area = 2π(r²) + 2π(r x h) = 2π(1²) + 2π(1 x 6) = 2π(1) + 2π(6) = SA = 44 r = 2 h = 6 Surface Area = 4π(r²) = 4π(2²) = 4π(4) SA = 50.24 r = 1

20 Volume of Cube and Prism
Volume of a Cube V = s3 Volume of a Rectangular prism V = W x H x D s W D H

21 Volume of Sphere and Cylinder
Volume of a Sphere V = 4/3∏(r³) Volume of a Cylinder (V) = ∏(r²)h r h r

22 Practice Question Calculate the volume of the cube and rectangular prism: H = 3 b = 2 D = 2 W = 4

23 Practice Question Calculate the volume of the cube and rectangular prism: H = 3 s = 2 D = 2 W = 4 Volume = W x D x H V = 4 x 2 x 3 V = 24 Volume = s3 V = (23) V = 8

24 Practice Question Calculate the volume of the sphere and cylinder:

25 Practice Question Calculate the volume of the sphere and cylinder:
Volume = ∏(r²)h V = (3.14) (1.52) (6) V = (3.14) (2.25) (6) V = 42.39 r = 2 h = 6 Volume = 4/3∏(r³) V = (1.33) (3.14) (23) V = 4.19 x 8 V = 33.49 r = 1.5

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