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Volume of Rectangular Prisms

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1 Volume of Rectangular Prisms

2 REVIEW - a three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space

3 Three-Dimensional Figures
faces – the flat surfaces edges – the segments formed by intersecting faces vertices – the points formed by intersecting edges

4 faces edges vertices

5 A three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space.
prism – has two parallel and congruent bases in the shape of polygons; the shape of the bases tells the name of the prism

6 A three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space.
pyramid – has a polygon for a base and triangles for sides; the shape of the base tells the name of the pyramid

7 A three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space.
cone – has curved surfaces, a circular base and one vertex

8 A three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space.
cylinder – has curved surfaces, two circular bases and no vertices

9 A three-dimensional figure encloses a part of space.
sphere – has no faces, bases, edges, or vertices; all the points are the same distance from a given point called the center

10 volume – the amount of space inside a three-dimensional figure
The volume (V) of a rectangular prism equals the product of its length (l), its width (w), and its height (h). V = lwh h w l

11 volume – the amount of space inside a three-dimensional figure
The volume (V) of a cube equals the product of three of its sides (s). V = s3 s s s

12 Find the volume of the rectangular prism.
V = lwh 8m V = V = 6m V = 576 m3 12m

13 Find the volume of the rectangular prism.
V = lwh 6 ft V = 5 ft V = V = 600 ft3

14 An Olympic-sized pool is 25 m wide, 50 m long, and 3 meters deep
An Olympic-sized pool is 25 m wide, 50 m long, and 3 meters deep. What is the pool’s volume? V = lwh V = V = V = 3750 m3

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