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Why do countries invest in early childhood education and care? Larry Schweinhart.

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Presentation on theme: "Why do countries invest in early childhood education and care? Larry Schweinhart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do countries invest in early childhood education and care? Larry Schweinhart

2 Early childhood education contributes to children’s development. Evidence that Early childhood experience influences brain development. Good programs have long-term effects and return on investment.

3 Short- and Long-Term Effects from 3 Studies Childhood intellectual performance Teen school achievement Fewer teen births Placements in regular classes High school graduation Adult earnings Fewer crimes Up to $16 return on the dollar

4 High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Major findings over time

5 HighScope Perry Preschool Study Large return on investment (Per participant in 2008 constant dollars discounted 3% annually)

6 But Other Studies Find Only Modest Effects Most recent studies of preschool programs find only modest short-term effects on children’s literacy and social skills Poor candidates for long-term effects and return on investment

7 Implication To get what we got, Do what we did!

8 Five Ingredients of Highly Effective Preschool Programs 1. Target low-income children 2. Have and support enough qualified teachers 3. Use a validated, interactive child development curriculum 4. Spend a lot of time with parents 5. Continuously assess program quality and child development

9 1.Target Low-Income and At-Risk Children Preschool for all includes needy children and has wider political support. But long-term effects are seldom looked for and yet to be found for middle-income children Tulsa, Oklahoma, study of pre-k for all children found large short-term effects on school achievement.

10 2.Have and Support Enough Qualified Teachers Qualified = Teaching certificate based on a relevant bachelor’s degree. Curriculum-based supervision and systematic in-service training. Two qualified adults for 16-20 four-year- olds per class.

11 3.Use a Validated, Interactive Child Development Curriculum Children and teachers design learning activities All aspects of children’s development Evidence of effectiveness Requires interactive training, study, and practice

12 4.Teachers Spend a Lot of Time with Parents. Meet with parents and children regularly. Educate parents about their children’s development. Include children’s other center and home caregivers.

13 5.Continuously Assess Program Quality and Child Development. Assess implementation of an effective program model. Assess children’s developing school readiness. Attune teaching to assessment.

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