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Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Positive Behavior Support Module V.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Positive Behavior Support Module V."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Positive Behavior Support Module V

2 Emotional Literacy Self Awareness 1.Can the child identify or label the emotions he/she is experiencing? 2.Does the child understand why he/she feels that way? 3.Does the child respond in a socially appropriate way to that emotion? Emotional literacy involves a hierarchy of skills.

3 Possible discussion prompts: How do you think that person feels? Identify Why do you think they feel that way? Understand Have you ever felt that way? Identify What did you do? Respond Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Discuss literature, photographs, pictures, and posters that portray people in various emotional states to provide children with an opportunity to identify and label their own emotional state.

4 Emotional Literacy Self Awareness By validating feelings, we allow children to feel understood so that they can calm themselves. This puts children in a state that will allow them to seek out solutions. Validating feelings does not mean approval of the way in which the child expressed the feeling. Offer the child more acceptable ways of expressing his/her feelings. Use validation, acknowledgment, mirroring back, labeling feelings, voice tones, or gestures to show an understanding of children’s feelings.

5 Role play or use puppets to act out scenarios where children express emotions appropriately and inappropriately. Link both expressions with its’ resulting social consequence. Possible Prompts: How do you think that makes the other person feel? What do you think will happen next time? Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Use opportunities to comment on occasions when children state they are feeling upset or angry but are remaining calm. Teach that all emotions are okay, but not all expressions of those emotions are okay.

6 Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Play games using emotion cards. Be sure that students identify the emotion and an appropriate response to that emotions. Bingo – Teacher acts out the emotion. Charades – Students act out the emotion. Emotion Cube – One student rolls the cube and the whole class acts out the emotion. Label own emotional states and provide an action statement. (e.g., I am feeling frustrated so I better take some deep breaths and calm down).

7 Emotional Literacy Self Awareness Temperament Environment Development T.E.D. must be considered when planning social- emotional instruction. One size does not fit all. As with any other skill, some children will need a variety of support for their learning while others will be quite proficient with little instruction.

8 Pre-K Guidelines Social and Emotional Development Domain B. Self Control 2. Emotional Control a. begins to understand difference and connection between feelings and behaviors b. is aware of own feelings c. is able to increase or decrease intensity of emotions more consistently, although adult guidance is sometimes necessary

9 Self Reflection and Action Plan

10 Home Connection

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