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Presentation on theme: "1 COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (CIRP) UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (CIRP) Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (CIRP) UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (CIRP) Presentation prepared by the Office of Assessment Division of Student Affairs Mississippi State University for the Enrollment Management Committee

2 2 Introduction The CIRP Freshman Survey The survey instrument is appropriate for students in all institutions. Some of the information it gives you includes demographic characteristics expectations of the college experience secondary school experiences degree goals and career plans college finances attitudes, values, and life goals reasons for attending college The CIRP data can be used for: admissions and recruitment academic program development and review institutional self-study and accreditation activities public relations and development institutional research and assessment retention studies longitudinal research about the impacts of campus policies and programs

3 3 CIRP Freshman Survey Correlations by Gender Female students were more likely than males to: Report higher average high school gradesReport higher average high school grades Spend more time studying or doing homeworkSpend more time studying or doing homework Apply to more institutionsApply to more institutions Plan to obtain their highest degree at MSUPlan to obtain their highest degree at MSU Talk with teachers outside classTalk with teachers outside class Do volunteer workDo volunteer work

4 4 CIRP Freshman Survey Correlations by Gender Male students were more likely than females to: Exercise and practice sportsExercise and practice sports

5 5 CIRP Freshman Survey Correlations by Ethnic Background Black/African American students were more likely than White/Caucasian students to: Plan to obtain their highest degree at MSUPlan to obtain their highest degree at MSU Talk with teachers outside the classroomTalk with teachers outside the classroom Do volunteer workDo volunteer work Work while in collegeWork while in college Apply to other institutions in addition to MSUApply to other institutions in addition to MSU

6 6 CIRP Freshman Survey Correlations by Ethnic Background White/Caucasian students were found to be more likely than other ethnic groups to: Report higher average high school gradesReport higher average high school grades Choose MSU as a first college choiceChoose MSU as a first college choice Report a higher parental incomeReport a higher parental income Exercise and practice sportsExercise and practice sports

7 7 How old you will be on December 31, 2004? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

8 8 What is your gender? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

9 9 How many miles is MSU from your permanent home? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

10 10 What was you average grade in high school? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

11 11 What were your scores on the SAT I? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in means

12 12 What was your score on the ACT? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in means

13 13 CIRP Freshman Survey From what kind of secondary school did you graduate? The values are expressed in percentages

14 14 Prior to this term, have you ever taken courses for credit at MSU? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

15 15 Where do you plan to live during the fall term? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

16 16 Is Mississippi State University your: CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

17 17 To how many colleges other than MSU did you apply for admission this year? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

18 18 Do you have a disability? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

19 19 What is the highest academic degree that you intend to obtain at MSU? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

20 20 Continued What is the highest academic degree that you intend to obtain at MSU? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

21 21 Reasons noted as ‘very important’ in deciding to go to college, CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

22 22 Continued Reasons noted as ‘very important’ in deciding to go to college: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

23 23 Reasons noted as ‘very important’ in influencing students’ decisions to attend MSU: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

24 24 Continued Reasons noted as ‘very important’ in influencing students’ decisions to attend MSU: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

25 25 How much of your first year’s educational expenses (room, board, tuition and fees) do you expect to cover from family resources? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

26 26 How much of your first year’s educational expenses (room, board, tuition and fees) do you expect to cover from your own resources (savings from work, work-study)? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

27 27 How much of your first year’s educational expenses (room, board, tuition and fees) do you expect to cover from aid which must be repaid (loans, etc.)? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

28 28 How much of your first year’s educational expenses (room, board, tuition and fees) do you expect to cover from aid which need not be repaid (grants, scholarships, etc.)? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

29 29 How much of your first year’s educational expenses (room, board, tuition and fees) do you expect to cover from other resources than above? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

30 30 What is your best estimate of your parents’ total income last year? Consider income from all sources before taxes. CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

31 31 Continued What is your best estimate of your parents’ total income last year? Consider income from all sources before taxes. CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

32 32 Your current religious preference is: CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

33 33 What is your ethnic background? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

34 34 What is the highest level of formal education obtained by your father? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

35 35 What is the highest level of formal education obtained by your mother? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

36 36 How would you characterize your political view? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

37 37 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week studying or doing homework? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

38 38 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week socializing with friends? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

39 39 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week talking with teachers outside of class? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

40 40 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week exercising or practicing sports? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

41 41 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week partying? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

42 42 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week working (for pay)? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

43 43 During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week participating to student clubs/groups? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

44 44 Do you have any concerns about your ability to finance your college education? CIRP Freshman Survey The values are expressed in percentages

45 45 Student’s probable major at Mississippi State University CIRP Freshman Survey

46 46 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Arts and Humanities The values are expressed in percentages

47 47 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Biological Science The values are expressed in percentages

48 48 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Business The values are expressed in percentages

49 49 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Education The values are expressed in percentages

50 50 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Engineering The values are expressed in percentages

51 51 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Physical Science The values are expressed in percentages

52 52 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Professional The values are expressed in percentages

53 53 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Social Science The values are expressed in percentages

54 54 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Technical The values are expressed in percentages

55 55 CIRP Freshman Survey Student’s probable major : Other Fields The values are expressed in percentages

56 56 Students estimate chances are “very good” that they will: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

57 57 Continued Students estimate chances are “very good” that they will: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

58 58 Continued Students estimate chances are “very good” that they will: CIRP Freshman Survey Note: Students could select multiple responses The values are expressed in percentages

59 59 Mississippi State University Student’s probable careers: CIRP Freshman Survey


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