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English learners 7-th form. Первый ( синий ) раунд :  Christmas story / Nativity  Symbols of Christmas  Christmas presents  Santa Claus  Christmas.

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Presentation on theme: "English learners 7-th form. Первый ( синий ) раунд :  Christmas story / Nativity  Symbols of Christmas  Christmas presents  Santa Claus  Christmas."— Presentation transcript:

1 English learners 7-th form

2 Первый ( синий ) раунд :  Christmas story / Nativity  Symbols of Christmas  Christmas presents  Santa Claus  Christmas around the world Второй ( красный ) раунд :  Christmas story / Nativity  The origin of Christmas  Facts about Christmas  Christmas dinner  Christmas around the world Своя игра

3 Christmas story / Nativity 1020304050 Symbols of Christmas 1020304050 Christmas presents 1020304050 Santa Claus 1020304050 Christmas around the world 1020304050

4 A person who looks after, feeds and guards sheep is… a farmer a zoo keeper a shepherd Christmas story / Nativity

5 a shepherd

6 … is Christ, the son of God Joseph Jesus Manger Christmas story / Nativity

7 Jesus

8 What was the name of baby Jesus's Mum? Christmas story / Nativity

9 Mary

10 Baby Jesus was laid here. inn bed manger Christmas story / Nativity

11 a manger

12 The husband of Mary is … John James Joseph Christmas story / Nativity

13 Joseph

14 Symbols of Christmas

15 Christmas Tree

16 Symbols of Christmas parrot robin dove

17 robin

18 Symbols of Christmas holly mistletoe cranberry

19 holly (остролист)

20 Symbols of Christmas crackers crayons candles candies

21 candles


23 The largest Christmas cracker was made in Australia. How long do you think it was? 6 meters 46 meters 1 meter Facts about Christmas

24 It was 46 meters long (3 m. in diameter)

25 You are given a musical present. Christmas presents


27 How much money does an average British family spend around the Christmas period? £ 100 £1000 £ 670 Christmas presents

28 An average British family spends £ 670 or more around the Christmas period.

29 In 1988, the world-famous star Madonna sent out Christmas cards to her friends. What do you think there was in the picture? a) a)It was a picture of herself and her daughter. b) b) It was a famous picture of “Madonna and a child”. c) c)It was a picture of Santa. Christmas presents

30 It was a picture of herself and her daughter, just like “Madonna and a child” by Leonardo.

31 Christmas presents Who isn’t given presents at Christmas in Great Britain? parent Santa friend pet

32 Santa isn’t given presents because he has to give them himself.

33 In Great Britain everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas presents on Boxing Day. When does the Boxing day come? before the Christmas Day on the Christmas Day after the Christmas Day Christmas presents

34 Boxing Day is on the 26 th of December, after the Christmas Day

35 Where does he live? South Pole North Pole Northern Finland Santa Claus

36 Santa Claus lives in Northern Finland near the Arctic Circle (Северный полярный круг). His house is about 8 kilometers north of Rovaniemi in Lapland. His address is: Joulumaantie 1 96930 Arctic Circle, Finland

37 Which company invented the present image of Santa Claus? Pepsi-Cola Coca-Cola Royal Crown Cola Santa Claus

38 Coca-Cola

39 Santa’s reindeer team How many reindeer has Santa got? 6 / 4 / 9 Santa Claus

40 He has got 9 reindeer

41 How does Santa get into the children’s homes? through the chimney through the window through the door Santa Claus

42 He gets into homes through the chimney.

43 Santa Claus What do you think Santa doesn’t wear in Australia? a warm jacket a red hat funny shorts

44 As the weather is very hot he never wears a jacket.

45 In which country people wish Merry Christmas like this “ Feliz Navidad!” in Germany In France in Mexico Christmas around the world

46 in Mexico

47 In which country Santa Claus is called Père Noël? France Spain Italy Christmas around the world

48 In France Santa Claus is called Père Noël.


50 British and American families usually collect money for homeless and poor people. They go along the streets from house to house, singing in front of each house and asking for money. What songs do they sing? Christmas … songs / ballads / carols / vocals

51 They sing Christmas carols.

52 Christmas around the world In which country people wish Merry Christmas like this “Hyvaa joulua!” in Brazil in Finland in Canada

53 “Hyvaa joulua!” means “Merry Christmas” in Finnish.

54 Christmas around the world In the USA and other English-speaking countries Christmas is marked on 25 th December. In Russia which belongs to the Orthodox Church (православная церковь) it is marked on 7 th January. Why? Which calendar does the Russian Church use in religious celebrations: Julian or Gregorian ?

55 The Russian Orthodox Church still uses the old Julian Calendar in religious celebrations. The calendar was named Julian in honor of Julius Caesar.

56 Christmas story / Nativity 100200300400500 The origin of Christmas 100200300400500 Facts about Christmas 100200300400500 Christmas dinner 100200300400500 Christmas around the world 100200300400500

57 Joseph and Mary lived in … Bethlehem Jerusalem Nazareth Christmas story / Nativity

58 Nazareth

59 Christmas story / Nativity Mary and Joseph had to travel to the town called… Bethlehem Nazareth Tel Aviv

60 Bethlehem

61 Why did Mary and Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem ? to meet their friends to live there to pay taxes Christmas story / Nativity

62 Joseph was from Bethlehem and they had to go there to pay taxes.

63 How did they travel? Christmas story / Nativity

64 Mary travelled on the back of a donkey, Joseph walked.

65 What helped the wise men to find the birthplace of baby Jesus? Christmas story / Nativity

66 A star, called the Star of Bethlehem or the Christmas Star, showed the birth of Jesus to the wise men and led them to Bethlehem.

67 What country gave us the tradition do decorate the Christmas tree? Britain France USA Germany The origin of Christmas

68 Germany

69 The origin of Christmas Where does the most famous Christmas tree is set up in London?

70 In Trafalgar square, near the statue of Lord Nelson.

71 Why do you think the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents was introduced in Britain during prince Albert and queen Victoria's reign? The origin of Christmas

72 Victoria’s husband prince Albert was from Germany.

73 Christmas candy cane is a popular holiday treat (угощение).The tradition of candy canes started in Germany in 1670. The candy cane looks like a shepherd's staff (пастушеский посох). Why? The origin of Christmas

74 Because Jesus is like a shepherd of people. If you turn it upside down, it becomes the letter “J” symbolizing the first letter in Jesus' name.

75 The origin of Christmas Christmas has several symbols: presents, the star on the top of the Christmas tree, an angel etc…What do the mentioned things symbolize? (They are connected with the Holy Bible)

76 . The star on the top of the tree symbolizes the star that the wise men followed. Presents symbolise gifts that the 3 wise men brought for baby Jesus. The angel on the top of the tree is the angel that told Mary she would be having a baby.

77 Facts about Christmas A girl in Washington was named… Mary Santa Merry Christmas Shepherd

78 Merry Christmas

79 Facts about Christmas What do you think Christmas trees were decorated with during the Victorian times (19 th century)?

80 During the Victorian times, Christmas trees were decorated with candles to remind children of the stars in the sky at the time of the birth of Jesus. Christmas trees were also decorated with apples and sweets hung with ribbon.

81 Facts about Christmas There are no fir trees in Latin America, so what do you think people in Latin America decorate at Christmas?

82 They decorate Christmas cactus.

83 Christmas around the world

84 On Christmas Day morning in Great Britain and America children find Christmas presents under the tree or in stockings. Where do Italian children find their Christmas presents? in the deep snow in stockings under the tree in their shoes left by the door under their bed

85 In Italy children put a pair of their shoes by the door. The following morning they find them filled with small gifts.

86 Facts about Christmas Every year many Americans send Christmas presents and cards from Christmas. Why from?

87 Christmas is a town in Florida, USA. People send presents and cards from Christmas because they live there.

88 Christmas dinner Roast turkey is the main dish at Christmas dinner in many European countries. What country were the first turkeys brought to Europe from ?

89 The first turkeys were brought to Europe from Mexico in 1519.

90 Christmas pudding was made many years ago in Great Britain. Traditionally something is placed into the pudding. It brings good luck to a person who finds it. What is it?

91 British housewives put a coin into the Christmas pudding. They say it brings good luck to a person who finds it.

92 Christmas dinner A Turkey wishing tradition or pulling a wishbone (грудная косточка) of the turkey. This is one of the bones of the turkey which is shaped like the letter “Y”. Two people will each hold an end and pull. What do you think the person left with the larger piece of the bone does? gets a present washes up cleans the house makes a wish goes to bed

93 The person left with a larger peace makes a wish.

94 Christmas dinner Scientists say that Christmas trees are edible (съедобный). Their needles contain… Carbohydrates Proteins Vitamin C Vitamin A

95 The needles of fir trees contain vitamin C.

96 Christmas dinner Christmas dinner is full of different vegetables and fruit. In fact red peppers, green beans, and cucumbers are all fruit. Why?

97 The rule is simple. If part of the plant holds seeds then that part is labeled as a fruit.

98 You are given a musical present.

99 m

100 Christmas around the world In which country students have Summer Holidays at Christmas time? Australia Mexico New Zealand Canada

101 In Australia


103 Task: Open the brackets, use the correct tense. The dentist's waiting room is full of people. Some (read) magazines, others just (turn) over the pages. A woman (knit), a child (play) with a toy car. Everybody (wait) for the nurse to say "Next, please".

104 The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some are reading magazines, others are just turning over the pages. A woman is knitting, a child is playing with a toy car. Everybody is waiting for the nurse to say "Next, please".

105 Christmas around the world "Jingle Bells“ became one of the most popular Christmas songs. Which holiday was it first written for? St Patrick’s Day St Valentine’s Day Thanksgiving Halloween

106 "Jingle Bells" was first written for Thanksgiving but later became one of the most popular Christmas songs.

107 Christmas around the world What famous English scientist was born on Christmas Day in 1642?

108 Isaac Newton

109 Итоговый раунд


111 Участники «Своей игры» (то есть третьего раунда) делают ставки исходя из темы вопроса и наличия заработанных баллов. Ответ записывается на листке бумаги.

112 ______, ______, and _______are the colors of Italy's national flag and the traditional Christmas colors as well.

113 Green, white, and red are the colors of Italy's national flag and the traditional Christmas colors as well.


115 Информационная поддержка: (общая информация о программе, правила игры, оформление) (база вопросов) igra5.shtml igra5.shtml (база вопросов) (общая информация о программе, правила игры, оформление) (база вопросов) igra5.shtml igra5.shtml (база вопросов)

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