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Title IX/VAWA/Clery Act CUSP 2014 FALL MEETING. Our Purpose Today Highlights for Title IX, VAWA, Clery Act Practical takeaways related to: Program development.

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Presentation on theme: "Title IX/VAWA/Clery Act CUSP 2014 FALL MEETING. Our Purpose Today Highlights for Title IX, VAWA, Clery Act Practical takeaways related to: Program development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title IX/VAWA/Clery Act CUSP 2014 FALL MEETING

2 Our Purpose Today Highlights for Title IX, VAWA, Clery Act Practical takeaways related to: Program development Coordinated sexual harassment/assault campus programs


4 Title IX - Highlights Title IX (Education Amendments of 1972) protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. Examples of the types of discrimination covered under Title IX include: Failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics Limiting access based on pregnancy Sexual harassment (sexual assault is considered an extreme form of harassment) Office of Civil Rights provides guidance.

5 Title IX - Highlights Three standards for sexual harassment, behavior that: Is sexual in nature Is unwanted in nature Prevents/limits access to educational programs and activities Jurisdiction On campus Off campus events sponsored by the college Anything off campus that impacts students while on campus

6 Title IX and Student Programs Ensure student access to information Awareness building; if you see something, say something Everyone is responsible for compliance Off campus issues student-activism-case-studies/ student-activism-case-studies/


8 VAWA (Campus SaVE Act) - Overview Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), 1994, is considered the cornerstone of the US government’s response to domestic and sexual violence. Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Act focuses on colleges. Reauthorized this year with significant changes to reporting and training.

9 VAWA and Student Programs The American Council on Education’s interpretation of VAWA required training for students and staff/faculty includes: Statement prohibiting sexual assault/violence. Definition of sexual assault/violent. Definition of consent. Presentation of “safe and positive” options for bystander intervention. Presentation of abusive behavior signs and how to avoid potential attacks.

10 What About the Clery Act and Student Conduct? Under VAWA, there are new provisions to the Clery Act: Record incidents of stalking based on the location Add gender identity and national origin as new categories of bias for a hate crime Include in annual security report a statement of policy regarding programs to prevent sexual misconduct/stalking and the procedures the institution will follow for such crimes Under VAWA, there are new requirements for Student Conduct Codes: Describe each type of disciplinary proceeding used in cases of alleged sexual misconduct Provide the accuser and the accused the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during the disciplinary proceeding

11 Coordinated Response Involve relevant departments Brainstorm multiple methods of training Ensure a student friendly explanations of the process Train student leaders; who hears more administrators or peers Avoid 100% focus on victim centered prevention

12 More questions? Ruby Hayden 425-739-8208 *

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