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Apportion, distribute allocate. unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous.

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Presentation on theme: "Apportion, distribute allocate. unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous."— Presentation transcript:

1 apportion, distribute allocate

2 unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous

3 enthusiastic, zealous ardent

4 immature and conceited sophomoric

5 diligent, persistent assiduous

6 ill-will, animosity rancor

7 rash, brazen brash

8 heartrending, touching poignant

9 impulsive, fickle capricious

10 edible, appetizing palatable

11 scold, discipline chastise

12 all-powerful omnipotent

13 plentiful, ample, wordy copious

14 clear, intelligible limpid

15 differing from a norm deviate

16 hint, clue inkling

17 unnaturally thin emaciated

18 payment for damage or loss indemnity

19 glory, rejoice exult

20 apportion, distribute allocate

21 unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous

22 enthusiastic, zealous ardent

23 immature and conceited sophomoric

24 knotted, twisted, lumpy gnarled

25 diligent, persistent assiduous

26 ill-will, animosity rancor

27 rash, brazen brash

28 heartrending, touching poignant

29 scold, discipline chastise

30 edible, appetizing palatable

31 all-powerful omnipotent

32 plentiful, ample, wordy copious

33 glory, rejoice exult

34 impulsive, fickle capricious

35 clear, intelligible limpid

36 hint, clue inkling

37 differing from a norm deviate

38 unnaturally thin emaciated

39 knotted, twisted, lumpy gnarled

40 payment for damage or loss indemnity

41 apportion, distribute allocate

42 unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous

43 enthusiastic, zealous ardent

44 immature and conceited sophomoric

45 diligent, persistent assiduous

46 ill-will, animosity rancor

47 rash, brazen brash

48 heartrending, touching poignant

49 impulsive, fickle capricious

50 edible, appetizing palatable

51 scold, discipline chastise

52 all-powerful omnipotent

53 plentiful, ample, wordy copious

54 clear, intelligible limpid

55 differing from a norm deviate

56 hint, clue inkling

57 unnaturally thin emaciated

58 payment for damage or loss indemnity

59 glory, rejoice exult

60 apportion, distribute allocate

61 unplanned, unpremeditated spontaneous

62 enthusiastic, zealous ardent

63 immature and conceited sophomoric

64 knotted, twisted, lumpy gnarled

65 diligent, persistent assiduous

66 ill-will, animosity rancor

67 rash, brazen brash

68 heartrending, touching poignant

69 scold, discipline chastise

70 edible, appetizing palatable

71 all-powerful omnipotent

72 plentiful, ample, wordy copious

73 glory, rejoice exult

74 impulsive, fickle capricious

75 clear, intelligible limpid

76 hint, clue inkling

77 differing from a norm deviate

78 unnaturally thin emaciated

79 knotted, twisted, lumpy gnarled

80 payment for damage or loss indemnity

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