Principles of Play Systems of Play Styles of Play

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1 Principles of Play Systems of Play Styles of Play
“Understanding these concepts are the building blocks of effective coaching”

2 Principles of Play Underlying concepts and ideas that are fundamental to effective football and successful team play Not to be confused with systems of play 4 4 2, etc Principles of play are the same in any system of play Understanding the principles of play is the foundation for teaching the game. If your players understand the principles of play Combined with good technique they will be able to play any system and style as determined by the coach 2

3 Principles of Play What do you understand by the term “Principles of Play?” What are the principles of play that underpin successful team play? -Attacking. -Defending. 3

4 Mike Hudson Soccer Nova Scotia

5 Attacking Principle 1 - Penetration
When in possession of the ball, the first attacker should ask himself, “Can I score?”. If the answer is yes, he will shoot and penetrate the defense by shooting. If he cannot score, he will look to make a pass which will penetrate the defense. If this is not on, he will then attempt to penetrate by dribbling or running. 5

6 Penetration The player on the ball recognizes the opportunity to penetrate the back line with a through ball that gets the left-sided attacker in behind the defense. 6

7 Attacking Principle 2 – Support
In order to maintain possession of the ball, the first attacker will need good support from the second and third attacker(s). Simply put, the second and third attackers must provide forward backward and sideways options to the first attacker (player on the ball). 7

8 to the player on the ball
The attackers have moved into good positions to offer support or options to the player on the ball 8

9 Attacking Principle 3 – Width
In order to stretch the opponent’s defensive shape, attackers will use the width of the field to tempt them away from covering the dangerous area in front of goal 9

10 defenders to be concerned about the wide players, and have now become
The attackers are employing the principle of width, which has caused the defenders to be concerned about the wide players, and have now become stretched laterally or side to side. This causes too much lateral space between the defenders, which can be exploited with penetration between the defenders. 10

11 Attacking Principle 4 – Mobility
Attackers will make runs into different areas of the field in order to draw defenders out of their positions, trying to unbalance the defense 11

12 because of this mobility, and the left back finds space to penetrate.
The wide midfielder has come to the ball, dragging the right back out of position, while the centre forward runs across the top of the box, drawing the left central defender inside. The defense has now become unbalanced because of this mobility, and the left back finds space to penetrate. Mike Hudson Soccer Nova Scotia 12

13 Attacking Principle 5 – Vertical Stretching
Attackers will try to stretch the space between defensive lines, by playing as deep as possible and off the shoulder of the last defender. The intention is to stretch the opponent vertically. Vertical stretching can also be achieved by players behind the ball dropping off to create space ahead of themselves. 13

14 ball. The space to play has been created by stretching the opponent
The central midfielder has preserved space for himself by staying back and is therefore able to receive a lay-off from his team mate. The centre forwards, by playing on the shoulder of the last defender have created space between the back line and the midfield line, into which they can come to receive the ball. The space to play has been created by stretching the opponent Vertically from back to front. 14

15 Attacking Principle 6 – Improvisation/Creativity/Surprise
Attackers will try to break down defenses by employing the element of surprise. Tools such as back-heels, overhead kicks, diving headers, feints and fakes are all used for this purpose. 15

16 Defending Principle 1 – Pressure/Delay
To prevent the first attacker penetrating by the previously mentioned methods, the first defender must apply pressure to the ball, or delay the penetration by preventing the shot, pass or dribble. 16

17 causing the ball holder to play sideways and in front of the defense.
To prevent the through ball being played, the right-sided central defender has closed down the ball carrier, and is applying the principle of delay, causing the ball holder to play sideways and in front of the defense. 17

18 Defending Principle 2 – Cover/Support/Depth in Defense
To negate the options provided for the first attacker, the second defenders must give cover to the first defender This means that the second defenders will cut off passing lanes and will be ready to take the loose ball as the first attacker tries to get past the first defender. 18

19 Defense, canceling out the good support seen in the previous slide.
The midfield defenders are providing cover and support to the player who is closing down the ball holder, while the back line is providing depth in Defense, canceling out the good support seen in the previous slide. Mike Hudson Soccer Nova Scotia 19

20 Defending Principle 3 – Concentration
To avoid being stretched, the defenders will tend to concentrate their numbers in the dangerous area in front of goal. They will get into this area by means of recovery runs which will tend to get them between the ball and the goal. 20

21 Recover and to concentrate themselves in the danger area, refusing to
Despite the width created by the wide players, the defenders have chosen Recover and to concentrate themselves in the danger area, refusing to allow themselves to be stretched laterally. If the ball is played wide, the wide defenders will close the space as the ball travels to the wide player. Mike Hudson Soccer Nova Scotia 21

22 Defending Principle 4 – Balance
In order to retain defensive balance or shape, the third defenders will balance off the weak side of the attack, and will pass off runners if possible. Alternatively, they may track and have someone else maintain defensive balance by taking their place. 22

23 area that was previously available to be attacked
In this instance, the defenders have observed the rules of balance, simply passing on, or tracking defenders, while maintaining zonal coverage in the area that was previously available to be attacked 23

24 Defending Principle 5 – Compactness
To counter this, defenders will try to compact the vertical distance allowed the attackers by pushing up their back and midfield lines towards the opponent’s goal, effectively reducing the on- side attacking space. This also has the effect of keeping small spaces between the defensive lines, making it difficult for the opponent to play through. The goalkeeper must be considered in this movement, having the job of reducing the space between himself and the last defender. 24

25 At the same time the back four have pushed up and reduced the space
In response to the lay-off pass, the brown players have pushed out towards The ball, negating the space that the central midfielder previously enjoyed. At the same time the back four have pushed up and reduced the space between their midfield and back lines, leaving the strikers in an off-side position, and without much space to play in when they get back on side. Mike Hudson Soccer Nova Scotia 25

26 Defensive Principle 6 – Patience/Discipline/Restraint
To avoid being “sold” by a creative mood, defenders will employ the principle of restraint or patience, waiting for the attacker to make a mistake, before attempting to win the ball. 26

27 Systems of play “System is a regularly interacting or independent group of players forming a unified whole”

28 Systems of play What do you understand when we talk about systems of play ? Simply the arrangement of players by a coach on the field in a pre-determined manner. 4 4 2, 3 5 2, 4 3 3, 4 5 1 Or in small sided games Triangle, Diamond, 2 3 1

29 Systems of Play Factors to consider
Score goals, Prevent goals (Difficult to do both at the same time)‏ Arrange players on the field with specialists in each position GK, Defenders, Mid-fielders/wingers, strikers Players must know their roles and responsibilities of each position within that system.

30 Man United 4 4 2

31 Chelsea 4 5 1 or 4 3 3

32 3 5 2 Winger Man Marker Stopper Goalkeeper Striker Mid-fielder Sweeper

33 Styles of Play It is the responsibility of the coach to choose what system will work best for his or her team. Once this has been done the players need to know and understand their roles and responsibilities on the field of play. The next step in the coaching is deciding what style of play your team will adopt.

34 Styles of Play Again this can be examined by looking at your team when attacking and defending. The choices you make will be determined by a number of factors Your philosophy of how soccer should be played The required outcome of the game The opposition (Relative to your teams strengths)‏ The stage of the game (Containing or Chasing)‏ The weather and field conditions

35 Styles of Play - Attacking
In attack there are three basic styles coaches adopt. 1. Direct Soccer 2. Possession Soccer 3. A mixture of the two

36 Style of Play - Defending
Pressing – When – Where – How ? Dropping off – Where to ? Both styles require your team to recognise the pressure on the ball – no pressure drop your lines – obtain pressure start to squeeze as a team. This concept of dropping and squeezing in relation to the changing climate around the ball is fundamental to successful defending

37 Style of Play - Defending
Dropping off – to get compact Good teams when they lose the ball will drop off and tuck in to get compact Where do you want your team to start defending Pressing the opposition without a compact defensive shape will allow teams with good technique to play in the spaces between your defensive lines. Decide on a pre determined line of engagement for your team. Teach them in sessions how to drop off as a team and defend from that line. My teams usually engage the opposition about 10 yards over the half way line. But we do learn to press higher and drop off further dependant on stage of the game/opposition and weather conditions.

38 Style of Play Defending Pressing – When ?
First few minutes of a game to unsettle a technically good team First few minutes of a game to steal the ball from a technically weak team. Late in the game when you are behind.

39 Style of Play Defending Pressing – Where ?
All over field to win the ball back as early as possible. As high as you can to force opposition to play long. When your players think they can steal the ball to initiate the counter attack.

40 Style of Play Defending Pressing – How ?
Press as a team to condense the field and force the opposition to play sideways and backward. Strong sided players tight – weak sided players splitting space If striker/winger initiates press all the team must react accordingly – if not good teams will play out using space left behind striker. Be wary that if your team is pressing high and you lose pressure on the ball – you are susceptible to the ball behind your back line

41 What does this all mean ? Regardless of system/style of play the principles will always remain the same. Successful football at all levels determined by one factor - technique “No technique, no Tactic” Although it is important to start teaching your players even at the younger ages the tactical side of the game. Do not lose sight of your role as coaches in the game. Teach your players to be able to pass, receive, dribble, run with the ball, shoot, head, tackle etc. Acquiring the fundamental building blocks of football is critical to the development of the player.

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