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Blood Typing Catalyst:

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1 Blood Typing Catalyst:
In camels, having a large hump is dominant over having a small hump. Create a Punnett square to show the potential offspring of a heterozygous camel and a camel with a small hump. Make sure to list the genotype and phenotype percentages! Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Catalyst!

2 Have you ever wondered…
Why we have different types of blood? Why could you die if you get a transfusion of the wrong type of blood?

3 Objectives By the end of today, SWBAT… Identify blood type genotypes and phenotypes Determine the correct type of blood to transfuse into a patient

4 Agenda Catalyst/HW Review Quiz Types of blood
Are you a positive person? Whiteboards practice VIDEO GAME PRACTICE Exit Question

5 Catalyst/Homework Review

6 Blood Typing Sometimes there are more than two alleles for a trait. The most important case for you to learn about is… blood type! Key Point #1: Blood type has three alleles: IA, IB, and i. IA and IB are both dominant (co-dominant). i is recessive.

7 Since IA and IB are both dominant, they are expressed at the SAME TIME
Types of blood IA and IB are co-dominant IA IA = Type A IB IB = Type B IA IB = Type AB i is recessive IA i = Type A IB i = Type B i i = Type O Since IA and IB are both dominant, they are expressed at the SAME TIME

8 Antigens and Antibodies
Key Point #2: Antigens determine blood type. Antibodies attack antigens. If you receive the wrong type of blood, your antibodies will attack the new antigens, causing blood cells to clump and crack. Type O blood has no antigens, and A and B antibodies Type AB blood has A and B antigens, and no antibodies Type A blood has A antigens, and B antibodies. Type B blood has B antigens, and A antibodies.

9 Positive or Negative Key Point #3: Rhesus factor determines if your blood type is positive or negative If you have Rh factor, your blood is positive If you lack the Rh factor, your blood is negative

10 Whiteboards For each problem… Determine the blood type
Determine if the person can receive the transfusion If the person CANNOT receive the transfusion, explain what will happen if the wrong type blood is given to them

11 It’s time to pretend that we’re…

12 Guided Practice Bob Dylan’s blood is IAIA, and lacks Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type B blood? Can he receive Type O blood?

13 Guided Practice D’Angelo’s blood is IBi, and has Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type AB blood? Can he receive Type B blood?

14 Guided Practice Goapele’s blood is IAIB, and lacks Rh factor.
What type blood does she have? Can she receive Type B Rh- blood? Can she receive Type A Rh+ blood?

15 Guided Practice Dave Grohl’s blood is ii, and has Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type O Rh+ blood? Can he receive Type AB Rh- blood?

16 Guided Practice Kid Cudi’s blood is IAIA, and lacks Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type O Rh- blood? Can he receive Type AB Rh+ blood?

17 Guided Practice Nujabes’s blood is IBi, and has Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type B Rh- blood? Can he receive Type A Rh+ blood?

18 Guided Practice Drake’s blood is IAIB, and lacks Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type A Rh- blood? Can he receive Type B Rh+ blood?

19 Guided Practice Lady Gaga’s blood is ii, and has Rh factor.
What type blood does she have? Can she receive Type AB Rh+ blood? Can she receive Type O Rh- blood?

20 SICK VIDEO GAME ducational_games/medic ine/landsteiner/landstein er.html

21 Exit Question Lil’ Wayne’s blood is IAi, and has Rh factor.
What type blood does he have? Can he receive Type A Rh- blood? What will happen if he donates blood to someone who is Type AB Rh-? Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Exit Question!

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