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Usted/Ustedes Commands; Pronoun Placement with Commands

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1 Usted/Ustedes Commands; Pronoun Placement with Commands
Unidad 5 Lección 1

2 Usted/Ustedes Commands
To form the usted command: start with the yo form of the verb in present drop the o, then add the opposite “theme” vowel probar  yo pruebo  pruebe(n) comer  yo como  coma(n) añadir  yo añado  añada(n) Add no before the verb to make commands negative.

3 Irregular usted/ustedes commands
dar dé den ir vaya vayan ser sea sean haber haya hayan estar esté estén saber sepa sepan

4 Verbs ending in -car, -gar, -zar have a spelling change in the command form:
buscar  busque(n) pagar  pague(n) empezar  empiece(n)

5 Pronoun Placement with Commands
In affirmative commands, attach the object pronouns to the verb. Llévenos al supermercado. In negative commands, place the object pronouns before the verb. No lo prueben.

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