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Support for Micro-enterprise in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland 9 th October, 2003 Kieran Moylan, BMW Regional Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for Micro-enterprise in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland 9 th October, 2003 Kieran Moylan, BMW Regional Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for Micro-enterprise in the Border, Midland and Western Region of Ireland 9 th October, 2003 Kieran Moylan, BMW Regional Assembly

2 Presentation Outline Micro-enterprise in the B.M. W. Region Role of the County Enterprise Boards Details of Supports provided Outcomes of the programme to date Conclusions


4 Micro-enterprise Measure Overview Objectives Provide employment opportunities in less developed and remote areas so as to acieve more enduring and value-added balanced regional development Support greater participation of the unemployed and women in the promotion and development of enterprises Broaden and strengthen the base of micro-enterprises across the Region reduce dependence on traditional or declining economic sectors Maximise the employment and value added potential of micro-enterprises contribute to national competitiveness

5 Micro-enterprise Measure Overview Budget –Structural Fund (ERDF) co-financing€19.43m –National Public co-financing€ 6.49m –National Private co-financing€29.32m –Additional non co-financed public€42.39m –Additional non co-financed private€24.99m €122.62m

6 Role of County Enterprise Boards The focus of the Board is strategic and the key task of each Board is to identify employment opportunities in the County –Developing and implementing an Enterprise Action Plan for each County –Providing enterprise supports to promote and assist commercially viable small enterprise projects –Creating local enterprise awareness of developing and enterprise culture to ensure locally based enterprise activity –Influencing the allocation of resources to and within the County from EU, private and public funding

7 CEB Structure The Board The Evaluation Committee Staff

8 Board Membership 14 Members Balance of Interests –4 Elected Representatives –4 Public Officials –1 IBEC (Business) –1 Farming –1 Trade Union –3 Community/Others

9 Enterprise Support Services Measure 1 – Selective Financial Intervention Capital Grants –Max. 50% of cost of fixed assets (€63,500) –Partially/fully refundable (min. 25% refundable) Employment Grants –€6,350 per job created (max. €63,500) Feasibility Study Grants –60% of expenditure (max. €6,350)

10 Measure 2 – Enterpreneurial and Capability Development Promoting Enterpreneurship –Schools Programmes –Women in Enterprise Programmes –National Enterprise Awards Capability Development –Business Skills Training »Financial »Marketing –Management Development –Mentor Programme –Information Technology Skills

11 Programme Outcomes Measure 1 Selective Financial Intervention Cumulative to end 2002 Mid Term Target (2003) Final Target (2006) No. Enterprises Supported 1,3531,0002,000 Total Private Investment 36,14925.6551.13 * Net New Full Time Jobs 3,6374,0008,000

12 Programme Outcomes Measure 2 Entrepreneurial & Capability Development Cumulative to end 2002 Mid Term Target (2003) Final Target (2006) No. of recipients in training (Male/Female) 9,686 (4662/5054) 8,000 (3440/4560) 12,000 No. of participants, recognised certified courses1,3262,0003,000

13 Conclusions Overall, the success rate and performance of the measure has been quite high, in both outputs and impacts. Successful features of the Measure are as follows:  Selection of suitable projects is devolved to the County level (lowest administrative unit in Ireland)  Local Boards are partnerships in nature  Each Board develops a 3 year Enterprise Development Action Plan for their County  Each Board employs a CEO and Enterprise Development staff (typically a total staff of 4 per County)  Training Programmes are developed locally to respond to local demands  Central Government provides financial resources and develops policies for the general activities of the Boards

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