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Welcome to the Tutor Evening Formal presentations about developments at the College are at: 4.30 pm 5.30 pm 6.30 pm and should last approx. 30mins.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Tutor Evening Formal presentations about developments at the College are at: 4.30 pm 5.30 pm 6.30 pm and should last approx. 30mins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Tutor Evening Formal presentations about developments at the College are at: 4.30 pm 5.30 pm 6.30 pm and should last approx. 30mins

2 We are not a typical Special Measures school We have a GOOD Sixth Form We have a good set of exam results from summer 2014 We have good students We are well staffed We understand the issues and know how to address them We have a new and restructured Leadership Team We have a new and restructured Governing Body We have the impending sponsorship of Cambridge Meridian Academies TrustCambridge Meridian Academies Trust The year ahead: Exciting times

3 Acting Principal Sarah Wilson Acting Deputy Principal Simon Parsons Assistant Principals: Julia Jones Neil Wilson Heather Forrester Seconded Assistant Principals: Paul Baynes David Bridgeman Interim Leadership Team

4 Results 2014! GCSE 5 A*-C GCSE including English and Maths hit 63%, which is an increase of 5% from 2013! Percentage of students achieving 5+ A -C grades - 80% English results have gone up to 72% C Grade or above, an improvement of 4% from last year. Maths continues to achieve well above the national average, hitting 75% A*-C Grade this year. 42% of all entries were graded B or higher! 8 students achieved 8 or more GCSEs at grades A*/A

5 GCSE Results: Comparison against neighbouring schools. SCHOOL5 A*-C (INC Eng & Maths) 2014 5 A*-C 2014 Sawtry63%80% St. Ivo62%67% Hinchingbrooke56%61% Ramsey Abbey55%70% St. Peters53%79% Stanground50%

6 Results 2014! A LEVEL A*- B (A Levels and Vocational) pass rate of 46%; which is an increase of 4% on 2013! Pass rate at grades A* – E 97% Pass rate at grades A* - A 25% Pass rate at grades A* – B 46% Pass rate at grades A* – C 68% 5 Students achieved at least 3 passes at grade A/A*. Similar success was achieved by 3 students who achieved the highest grades available in the BTEC Science course and 4 students in the CACHE Child Care course.

7 And sadly not always for the right reasons! This is to do with what has gone before and some reports that are yet to be published. Rest assured this is firmly in the past We will be and have been in the Press!

8 The 7 Point Priority Plan Performance Indicators 2014-15

9 All students achieve or exceed their Minimum Target Grades (MTGs) for KS4 and KS 5 62%+ A*-C including English and Maths ( for 2015) (Achievement gap) GAP measure is narrowing (between those on Pupil Premium and those that are not) Value Added Score is better than the national average (2015) 1~ Improved standards of attainment and progress

10 Use of data to set targets, monitor progress and support /intervene to ensure high student attainment. Staff have thorough understanding of data and how to use it. Marking and Feedback scrutinised for consistency, detail and frequency. 90% of scrutiny feedback indicates at least 80% score 80% of lessons observed are good or better (2014-2015) 2~ Improved quality of Teaching and Learning

11 Consistent behaviour management in lessons 80% of lessons observed demonstrate good or better differentiation Student survey demonstrates 80% good or better feedback on teaching and learning experience across each key stage 3~ Student learning experience

12 Clear understanding of bullying, its management and reduction by all Stakeholders Improved student awareness of self-risk and access to support Student survey demonstrates 80% good or better feedback on pastoral experience across each key stage 4~ Student pastoral experience

13 All staff have up to date knowledge of procedures All College policies and procedures are graded good or better at re-inspection / HMI monitoring Use of new meeting and management structures to improve data sharing between key Stakeholders 5~ Safe Guarding and Child Protection

14 New Leadership and Governing Body are graded good or better at re-inspection/ HMI monitoring Financial auditing demonstrates a robustness to internal procedures and accounting, graded good or better at re- inspection / Funding Agency monitoring 50% of the Governing Body have undertaken Governor training Human Resources function improves in line with EPM standards by October 2014 6~ Leadership and Governance

15 College website and local press releases celebrate success on a fortnightly basis Parent survey demonstrates 80% good or better feedback about the College Put the school back at the centre of the community 7~ Engagement of the local community

16 To deliver, promote and inspire high quality educational provision at the heart of our community so that: every child is a successful learner, a confident individual and a responsible and employable citizen Every academy is a hub for activities, centre for extended services and source of immense local pride

17 Governance and Leadership Arrangements Personnel The Trust Local Governing Bodies Executive Committees Finance AuditPremises

18 What we are deeply passionate about CMAT: Is committed to the pursuit of excellence Values people Is committed to Achievement for All Provides a high-quality learning environment Extends the boundaries of learning The Pursuit of Excellence

19 1200 students in the school Every child is known, valued and supported “ Every teacher is responsible for the achievement and well-being of each student in a mixed-age tutor group. Each student has regular one-to-one meetings with their tutor to discuss their academic and personal development targets and progress towards them. As a result, the school's care, guidance and support have improved from good to outstanding.” Swavesey Village College Ofsted 2011


21 Will you go the eXtra mile to be successful? eXperience challenge Pledges : Particpation, Leadership, Excellence, Diversity, Giving Environment Service. eXpand your horizons Careers Breakfasts, Aspirational Days, TEDx, Visiting speakers, Research Fellowships, Work Experience. eXtend your learning Extension Project

22 Trust - Track Record (Delivery) Prediction

23 Work on TUPE staff from Sawtry Community College to CMAT employees Active work on the health and safety of the site, already had new alarm system, asbestos check, wiring survey, glazing survey, building conditions check, boiler service and repairs Active work with an architect as part of a bid for building refurbishment. We want 4 million! Active work with a PR company to address recent bad press and to celebrate the achievements of the students Re organisation of all support staff to ensure all personnel are best placed to meet students needs, both academic and welfare Some tidying up in older areas of the school, but more will follow on conversion to CMAT Since September and for this half term

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