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2nd grade Interdisciplinary Writing Unit

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1 2nd grade Interdisciplinary Writing Unit
Heather Barnes Read 7140 A Dr. Tonja Root Summer 2008 2nd grade Interdisciplinary Writing Unit

2 Introduction to unit: Grade Level: 2nd Genre: Persuasive Writing
Form: Letter Content Area Connection: Social Studies- Identify roles of elected leaders English/Language Arts: Competency in the writing process

3 Georgia Writing Assessment
3rd grade Four types of writing: Narrative Informational Persuasive Response to Literature Three performance levels: does not meet, meets, and exceeds Samples must be collected throughout the year and rubrics used to score writing

4 Pre-assessment Prompt
Students will write a letter to their classmates trying to persuade them why they should be class president.

5 Grouping Options: Teacher’s needs
Whole group: This will be used during instruction time, modeling, and for the practice activities for each stage of the writing process. Teacher will be able to monitor student’s behavior and progress. The teacher can also provide scaffolding and make sure they are using their time appropriately and can receive instant feedback. Independent: This will be used during assessment activities for each stage of the writing process. This will also allow the teacher time to give individual help to those students that need it. This will also allow the teacher to see if the students are working in their zone of proximal development.

6 Grouping Options: Student’s needs
Developmental needs: Pairing with a partner, individual assistance, extra time if needed, and preferential seating Cultural needs: Paring with a partner, connection with parents, and individual assistance if needed Linguistic needs: Paring with a partner and directions communicated in different ways, Use a peer helper when necessary

7 Instructional Procedures: Genre of Writing:
Persuasive Writing When the writer is trying to convince the reader about something Could also be called “argumentative” because it could argue a position Must have reasons why you feel a certain way

8 Prewriting

9 Instructional Procedures: Prewriting
Topic: What are you writing about? Purpose: Decide why you are writing (to persuade or convince) Audience: Who are you writing to or who is going to be reading your text? Form: The type of text you are writing (letter) Graphic organizer: Where you put down your thoughts, organizational tool

10 Persuasive Writing-letter Organizer

11 Persuasive Writing-letter Organizer continued

12 Assessment Students will fill in their persuasive letter organizers.
They will be given a checklist to make sure they have all aspects. Teacher will assess prewriting with rubric

13 Checklist for Prewriting:

14 Rubric for Prewriting

15 Accommodations/Modifications
Developmental needs- Developmental delayed in reading Seated next to a good reader who is willing to help, can ask neighbor or peer helper questions when necessary Linguistic needs- two Hispanic students who are bilingual Seated next to each other where they can help one another, peer helpers, different modes of instructions, work provided in Spanish if necessary

16 Accommodations/Modifications
Cultural needs- students from low socio-economic backgrounds Use pictures, internet, books to create a vivid picture of what we are talking about, clear explanation, peer helper if needed

17 Drafting

18 Instructional Procedure: Drafting
In this stage, the writer begins a rough draft or “sloppy copy” using their completed graphic organizer. Feel free to add more detail! Students will need to write in complete sentences, but skipping every other line. Spelling and grammar is not important in this stage of the writing process. Follow the correct letter format provided by the teacher.

19 Persuasive Writing- Letter format


21 Assessment Students will individually complete a rough drat using the letter format provided by the teacher Use checklist to make sure everything is included Will be assessed by teacher’s rubric

22 Drafting Checklist

23 Rubric for Drafting

24 Revising

25 Instructional Procedures: Revising
During this stage, the writer rereads the rough draft, shares the rough draft in a writing group, and revises on the basis of feedback received from the writing group (Tompkins, 2004) During Revising: The writer reads Listener compliments Writer ask questions Listener answers questions

26 Assessment Students will revise their drafts independently
After revising independently, students will then do peer revising. Students will be encouraged to add, replace, remove, and rearrange. There will be a checklist provided and students will be scored using revising rubric.

27 Revising Checklist

28 Revising Rubric

29 Editing

30 Instructional Procedures: Editing
Editing is reading word-by-word This is where we will locate and correct errors Proofread for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation Students use proofreaders marks

31 Assessment Student will edit writing using proofreader’s marks
Use checklist to check for mistakes Teacher will use rubric to score

32 Proofreader’s Marks Students will be using proofreader's marks when editing. The simpler the better for young students. Retrieved May 29, 2008 from:

33 Editing Checklist

34 Editing Rubric

35 Publishing

36 Instructional Procedures: Publishing
Students create a final copy of their writing. Use your best handwriting! Share your published piece with others

37 Assessment Students will work individually to create their published piece. Re-write work in best handwriting Use checklist as a guide Teacher will use rubric to assess

38 Publishing Checklist

39 Publishing Rubric

40 Congrats! You have completed the writing process!!!!

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