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SCORING ON THE HOOF (Based on Boone and Crockett Club criteria)

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1 SCORING ON THE HOOF (Based on Boone and Crockett Club criteria)
By: Eugene R. Fuchs Kerr Wildlife Management Area Texas Parks and Wildlife

Determine the points that qualify for measuring Number of typical points Number of non-typical points Definition of a POINT - a projection at least one (1) inch long and longer than wide at some location at least one inch from the tip of the projection. Inside Spread Main Beam Length Length of Points FOUR ( 4 ) Beam Circumferences on each antler NO more/No less

3 Typical vs. Non-typical Points
G4 Typical points arise ONLY from the top of the main beam. Non-typical points can originate from other points, the sides and bottom of the beams, the burrs, and can be unmatched, typical points that are between typical points, but not a point as shown ( G4 ).

4 Non-typical points

5 Inside spread is taken at the widest location between main beams perpendicular to the center line of the forehead – NOT between points Inside spread

6 Each main beam length is taken along outside curve of beam starting at antler burr above the eye to the tip of beam. Main beam length


8 Point lengths are taken on the outside curve of each point where the midline of the point intersects the top of the beam or another point.

9 H2 H1 & H2 H3 H3 H1 H4 H4 Beam circumferences must be taken at the smallest location between points except the 4th measurement may fall midway between last point and end of main beam when G4 is missing.

10 H4 H3 H2 H1 These measurements are referred to as H1, H2, H3, & H4
Circumference measurement locations - 4 taken on each antler - no more - no less These measurements are referred to as H1, H2, H3, & H4 H1

11 Matched non-typical points
Cannot be measured as TYPICAL POINTS

12 What will an 8 pointer score ?
Scoring on the Hoof What will an pointer score ?

13 Knowing the average of several physical measurements for 3 year old bucks for a region/population will help in estimating scores “ON the HOOF”. Learn the ear length, head length, eye-eye width, etc. of the deer you are hunting.

14 Outside eye - eye /2 in.

15 Length of ear /2 in. Diameter of eye 1 in.

16 Width between burrs 2 - 2 1/2 in.
Width of black nose pad 1 1/ /4 in.

17 Eye to nose /2 - 7 in. HEAD LENGTH 12 IN.

18 These 2 views offer the best opportunity for estimating antler score
Slight quarter is better than side view These 2 views offer the best opportunity for estimating antler score

19 Side views often give an under estimation of antler size
Judging antlers on a buck walking away or quartering away will usually result in “ground shrinkage” Side views often give an under estimation of antler size

20 The Tape Doesn’t Lie The following are examples of antlers that have been scored representing several gross B&C score-classes for typical 8 pointers Notice how antler shape and point length effect score

21 GBC @ 8 pts. = 90 Spread = 10 6/8 Beams = 16 7/8 & 16 2/8
H1 = 2 7/8 ( mass = 20 ) 8 pts. = 90

22 90 Class

23 GBC @ 8 pts. = 105 Spread = 12 6/8 Beams = 18 6/8 & 20
H1 = 3 1/8 ( mass = 22 ) 8 pts. = 105

24 GBC @ 8 pts. = 106 Spread = 15 Beams = 18 & 18 3/8 G1 = 4 & 4
H1 = 3 4/8 ( mass = 23 ) 8 pts. = 106

25 GBC @ 6 pts. = 108 Spread = 21 Beams = 18 4/8 & 20 2/8
H1 = 4 ( mass = 23 ) 6 pts. = 108

26 100 Class

27 GBC @ 8 pts. = 111 Spread = 12 Beams = 17 5/8 & 17 2/8 G1 = 3 & 3 2/8
H1 = 3 6/8 ( mass = 29 ) 8 pts. = 111

28 GBC @ 8 pts. = 114 Spread = 13 4/8 Beams = 18 & 18 G1 = 1 5/8 & 2 3/8
H1 = 3 4/8 ( mass = 24 ) 8 pts. = 114

29 GBC @ 8 pts. = 116 Spread = 17 6/8 Beams = 18 5/8 & 18 G1 = 4 2/8 & 5
H1 = 3 6/8 ( mass = 26 ) 8 pts. = 116

30 GBC @ 8 pts. = 117 Spread = 12 6/8 Beams = 20 & 19 4/8 G1 = 3 6/8 & 5
H1 = 3 6/8 ( mass = 26 ) 8 pts. = 117

31 110 Class

32 GBC @ 8 pts. = 120 Spread = 15 Beams = 18 4/8 & 18 6/8
H1 = 4 ( mass = 26 ) 8 pts. = 120

33 GBC @ 8 pts. = 125 GBC @ 12 pts. = 136 Spread = 14 4/8
Beams = 19 & 17 4/8 G1 = 5 5/8 & 4 4/8 G2 = 8 5/8 & 8 7/8 G3 = 6 6/8 & 7 H1 = 4 2/8 ( mass = 32 ) 8 pts. = 125 12 pts. = 136

34 GBC @ 8 pts. = 127 Spread = 16 2/8 Beams = 18 4/8 & 19 2/8
H1 = 4 4/8 ( mass = 30 ) 8 pts. = 127

35 120 Class

36 GBC @ 8 pts. = 135 Spread = 15 4/8 Beams = 22 & 22 G1 = 3 6/8 & 3 4/8
H1 = 3 6/8 ( mass = 27 ) 8 pts. = 135

37 GBC @ 8 pts. = 138 Beams = 19 6/8 & 20 G2 = 10 2/8 & 9 4/8
H1 = 4 6/8 ( mass = 27 ) 8 pts. = 138

38 130 Class

39 See what a difference of 20 in. of score makes in appearance
G1 = Spread = 17 6/8 G2 = 11 G3 = 9 H1 = 4 2/8 ( mass = 30 ) GBC = 138 Spread = 12 6/8 GBC = 117

40 120 Class 1OO Class Broken G3 Spread = 17 H1 = 4 2/8 ( MASS = 28 )

41 GBC = 107 GBC = 126

42 120 Class 110 Class See the difference ?

43 140 Class 130 Class Point and beam length are the difference in score on these bucks

44 140 Class

45 This is a BIG 8 POINTER – what’s the score ???

46 GBC = 159 7/8 Points = 8 Spread = 19 2/8 Beams = 25 6/8 & 25 5/8
H1 = 5 & 4 7/ ( mass = 34 3/8) GBC = 159 7/8 Net B&C = 156 6/8

47 150 Class GBC @ 8 pts. 152 GBC @ 8 pts. = 153
Antlers look larger than they really are when viewed from above and behind

48 Beware of the rear view – you get an exaggerated impression of height and spread – especially with ears back.

49 Caution: beams and points often appear longer than they are when viewed from behind.

50 Rear views are often deceiving especially if ears are back

51 DON’T PANIC & don’t worry about the score – squeeze and then use a tape.

52 What will he score ????

53 GBC = 189 6/8 Points = 12 (4 X 5 Typical Frame with 3 Atypical Points)
Spread = 23 2/8 ( OS = 25 ) Beams = 24 & 23 4/8 G1 = 7 3/8 & 7 3/8 G2 = 11 5/8 & 11 G3 = 9 4/8 & 10 G4 = 7 H1 = 5 4/8 & 5 4/ ( mass =39 7/8 ) GBC = 189 6/8 ( typical frame = 174 4/8 GBC ) ( 3 atyp. Pts. = 15 2/8 )

54 Scoring reviewed

55 How wide ? 5 1/2

56 How wide ? 5 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2

57 21 1/2 5 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 4 1/2 4 1/2

58 GBC = 135 G2 G3 G1 Spread = 21 4/8 Beams = 23 & 23 G1 = 3 & 3
H1 = 4 3/8(mass = 30) GBC = 135

59 SUMMARY The most common number of points is 8 for bucks 3 years old and older. Score antlers as 8 pointer even when more points exist - if time allows additional point lengths can be added to the 8 point score. 8 point antlers that score 130 will look BIG. Know what the average is for several physical measurements such as ear length from head, head length, eye - nose, eye - eye, and diameter of eye. ( the rule of /2 for forehead width across eyes and ear length from head applies to most bucks)

60 Summary Using the width across forehead from eye to eye can be useful for estimating spread and point length because this measurement remains constant as a buck is looking at you. If the ear length from side of head is 5 1/2, the distance of ear tip will be 4 1/2. Example: ear tip - ear tip will be 4 1/ /2 = 14 in. Points as long as eye-nose will be in. and points as long as the head will be at least 11 in. Bases that appear as big as the eye will be 4 in. and those that appear as big as the nose will be 5 in. or more.

61 Summary The combination of beam length and point length normally accounts for 60% - 70% of the total score on most 8 pointers. Estimate the scores of mounted deer heads and then actually measure the antlers. Practice !!!

62 110 140 130 120

63 PRACTICE ??? Ask a certified Texas Big Game Awards Program OR Boone and Crockett Club scorer whenever you have questions on how to measure

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