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 Assess the existing status of implementation of ICDS in terms of coverage, out reach, coordination, convergence, and innovations;  Study the differences.

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2  Assess the existing status of implementation of ICDS in terms of coverage, out reach, coordination, convergence, and innovations;  Study the differences in implementation in rural, urban tribal, NGO and WB projects;  Identify gaps and problems in the implementation of ICDS;  Find out the perception of community and local bodies and support extended by them;  Ascertain inter-linkages of ICDS with other development programmes; and  Assess the benefits of ICDS on selected outcome indicators OBJECTIVES

3 Universe: Sample was drawn only from blocks which were operational as on 01- 04- 2000 i.e. 4200 projects 3177 rural, 273 urban and 750 tribal). For the Study, 150 ICDS projects are selected as a sample i.e. roughly 4% of the total universe. Sample: 1st Stage=Stratified Sampling Technique to decide no. of projects statewise 2nd Stage= Stratified+Purposive ( Wherever, there was even one project of rural, urban & tribal category, purposively selected). Selection of Districts: - Districts with maximum number of projects selected * Selection of Projects: - Projects with maximum number of AWWs selected * Selection of AWC villages: - Randomly and at least from two Supervisory circles * Selection of Beneficiaries: - Randomly with the help of AWC’s record


5 TOOLS A-Interview Schedule for Beneficiaries:No. per AWC 1.Schedule for Pregnant Women 4 2.Schedule for Nursing Mothers4 3.Schedule for Mothers of 6m-3yrs. Children5 4.Schedule for Mothers of 3-6yrs. Children5 5.Schedule for Women (15-45yrs)5 6.Household Schedule23 C- Observation Schedules 1.CLCT( Child Learning Competency Test)6 2.Observation schedule for AWC1 B-Schedule for obtaining information related to support & convergence 1.Schedule for Community Leaders i) Members of PRIs1 ii) School Teacher1

6 D-Schedule for the Functionaries No. of Schedule/Project 1.Schedule for CDPOs1 2.Schedule for MO1 3.Schedule for Supervisor2 4.Schedule for LHV/ANM1 5.Schedule for AWWs25 Contd/- Total No. of Respondents=41,842

7 Measures taken: * Preparation of detailed Guidelines Preparation of Pre-coded Interview Schedules Orient. Workshop of NIPCCD Faculty & Regional Coordinators Rigorous training to field staff Editing to detect errors & omissions in entries of the schedules Data revalidation at the time of entry & validation with the help of “Clipper” software Checked range/consistency of every coded response Manual checking of 10% entries New Concept Information System – a Delhi based professional agency has been engaged for Computerization and data analysis DATA QUALITY Computerization & Analysis


9 ICDS Over the Years - Infrastructure (at AWC level) Type of Building of AWCs

10 ICDS Over the Years - Infrastructure (at AWC level) Availability of Equipment/ Kit in usable Condition


12 Training Status (% trained) Sl. No. StaffNIPCCD Study * 1992 NCAER Study** 2001 Present Study** * 2006 (i)CDPOs73.6D.N.A.81.6 (ii)Supervisor84.0D.N.A.95.2 (iii)AWWs80.083.698.3 D.N.A.= Data Not Available

13 Educational Qualification of AWWs (% age) S.No.StaffNIPCCD Study 1992 Present Study 2006 (i)Matriculate (H.S.)49.643.2 (ii)Higher Secondary/ Inter 13.623.3 (iii)GraduateD.N.A.10.0

14 ICDS Over the Years- Supplementary Nutrition CategoryNIPCCD Study- 1992 Present Study- 2006 Coverage of Beneficiaries under SN% a) 6m-3 yrs Children Registered45.457.15 Availing7878.25 b) 3-6 yrs Children Registered5663.5 Availing79.775.4 c) Pregnant Women Registered36.147.5 Availing77.887.3 d) Nursing Mothers Registered50.252.8 Availing (%)7888.6

15 Birth Weight of New Born Children



18 Disruption in Distribution of SN Disruption in distribution of SN NIPCCD Study -1992 Present Study- 2006 AWWs reporting disruption (%)62.354 Average No. of days of disruption63.741.3 Reasons for Disruption (% AWWs) Food items not supplied8944.5 Weather conditions15.63.3 Transportation Problem219.8

19 PSE, Health Check-up & IFA to Children Coverage Under PSE (1992 vs 2006) NIPCCD Study- 1992 Present Study- 2006 Registered (Average/AWC)43.937.0 Availing31.328.0 Health Check-up 0-3 yrs. Children (%)45.956.1 3-6 yrs Children (%)29.946.7 Children receiving IFA Tabs. (%) 6 m - 3 yrs %30.059.6 3 - 6 yrs. %37.064.8

20 Place of Delivery (in percentage) NIPCCD Study- 1992 Present Study- 2006 Home Delivery7253.4 PHC/Sub-Centre/Govt. Hospital19.529.6 Pvt. Hospital6.316.5 Others0.50.4

21 Birth Attended By (in percentag e) Trained Dai33.229.1 Health staff (ANM/PHN/LHV)21.132.8 Pvt. Practitioners7.917.2 Untrained Persons (AWWs/Family Members/Others 37.719.6 Total Inst. DeliveryDNA46.2 Post-natal Care37.257.5

22 Percentage of Children Immunized ChildrenNIPCCD Study 1992 Present Study 2006 * Children (0-1 years) BCG71.582.4 Measles50.470.5 Polio37.570.5 Children (3-6 years) DT Booster28.454.9

23 Appraisal of ICDS Management – Input Variables X1 = % of CDPOs in position X2 = % of Supervisors in position X3 = % of AWWs in position X4 = % of trained CDPOs X5 = % of trained Supervisors X6 = % of trained AWWs X7 = No. of visit of CDPO X8 = No. of supervisory visits X9= Coordination (as reported by CDPO) with Health Department X10= Average No. of days SN supplied X11= Availability of Weighing Scale X12= Availability of PSE Kit X13= Availability of NHEd Materials X14= Availability of Medicine Kit Based on above Input Variables Projects are rated as: Very Good=63, Good= 71,Poor=16,Total=150


25 Appraisal of Output/Outcomes of Programme Y 1 = Observation Score of AWCs Y 2 = CLCT Score (Child Learning Competency Test): Y 3 = % of Children under Normal category Y 4 = % of Grade I Children Y 5 = % of Grade II Children Y 6 = % of Grade III and IV Children Y 7 = No. of 3-6 years children attending PSE classes Y 8 = No. of fully immunized (children) Y 9 = No. of fully immunized (pregnant women) Y 10 = Health check-up (No. of Women) Y 11 = Health check-up (No. of children) Y 12 = No. of NHEd sessions organized Y 13 = No. of Referral Cases Y 14 = No. of Pass out Children admitted to Primary School Based on above Output/Outcome Variables Projects are rated as: Very Good=43,Good= 86, Poor=21 Total=150


27 Relationship Between Input, Output / Outcomes < 35 (Poor) 35-45 (Good) >45(Very Good) Total > 15 (Very Good) 4302963 10-15 (Good)12461371 <10 (Poor)510116 Total218643150 Output / Outcomes (No. of Projects) Input Input


29 Infrastructure a) No toilet facility 60% AWCs b) Unsatisfactory toilet facility 17 % AWCs c) Non availability of Sub- 57% AWCs Centres d) Non-availability of - Indoor Space 48.5 % AWCs - Outdoor 48.7 % AWCs e) No separate space for 50.0 % AWCs Storage

30 Equipments/Kits/Utensil a) Non-availability of Weighing 9.29 % AWCs Scale b) Non-availability of learning kit44.1 % AWCs c) Non-availability of NHEd 37 % AWCs materials/aids d) Non-availability of Utensils - For cooking28.7 % AWCs - For serving33.6 % AWCs

31 Coordination Non-existence of Coordination Committee at Project level Rural20.0 % Tribal28.1 % Urban12.5 %

32 Services i)SN a) Disruption in supply (Av.days)41.3 days b) Supply of Spoiled Food items6.3 % projects c) LBW Babies29.0 %

33 Health Check-up a) Health Check-up not done - 0-3 years children43.9 % - 3-6 years children53.3 % b) Children not receiving IFA Tablets - 6 months - 3 years40.4 % - 3 - 6 years35.2 % c) Children not immunized fully34.0 %


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